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Hockey drill: block 1 exercise 2 2 vs 1 with a variation

Suitable for the following techniques: ball control passing attack defense pass around player

Block 1 exercise 2 2 vs 1 with a variation

  • B comes running in towards the circle at speed. 
  • He gets the ball from A who gives a directed push for B so he can take him easily.
  • From then on the 2v1 starts. B and C against the defender. 
  • When the defender has taken the ball away he can score by driving the ball through the orange gate. 
  • Tips attackers
    • Create speed.
    • Playing over the backhand side of the defender.
    • Make eye contact with teammates.
    • Use the in-out running.
  • Tips for the defender
    • Close the shaft.
    • Stand between the pass line of the attackers.
    • Let the attacker make the mistake.
    • Set up exercise on two sides.
drawing block 1 exercise 2 2 vs 1 with a variation

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: