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Handball drills for technique ball control

  • The players stand in a square.
  • 1 player throws the ball 1 way and runs in the other direction and moves up one position.
  • Note, never throw diagonally.
Players must throw each other off, but may not run with the ball.

  • If you are off, then you walk like a zombie to the bench and stand on it.
  • If a ball is caught, and someone yells 'zombie ball'! then everyone is free again.
  • You may also try to throw off the person who hit you from the bench. Also then you can go back into the field.
Can also be done with 2 teams.
  • Zig-zag partoon with flat markers: walk forward and backward, pay attention to light stride, especially forefoot.
  • Then dribble to:
    • Goal on side next to center line, put bench in front of it. Make jump shot.
    • Left of goal 5 pawns: dribble slalom
    • Do a head roll on the mat.
    • Then to the right, there is a pawn at 6 meters, very diagonal to the goal. Make jump shot at 2 pawns standing in the goal.
Everyone gets a ball, dribbles and tries to get each other's "tails" (less than the number of players).
Make 2 teams and give 1 team vests.
Play with a good bouncing ball (hard handball/ goalcha ball/ beach handball/ tennis ball/ volleyball etc.)

  1. You may only touch the ball with your body (arms/legs/feet/head) 2x in a row. After that you may not touch it again until another player has touched the ball.
  2. You may therefore both play football and hit the ball
  3. If you touch the ball a 3rd time, the ball is for the opponent (free ball)
  • Try to score on 1 of the goals
  • Scored? Ball for the opponent
  • Play 2 or 3 balls at the same time (depending on the size of the group)
    • Link rules to the different balls
      • Example: football only heading, handball only playing with your foot etc.
  • Vary the places where the goals are placed (mat/duck out/advertising board).
  • Vary the number of places where goals can be scored
  • The player stands at about 10 meters from the goal
  • Throws the ball to the trainer
  • Runs to the circle
  • There the trainer throws the ball again and the player shoots at a pawn in the goal
  • There are 4 pawns in a row, with a ball on top
  • The player tries to throw the ball from the pawn from 4 metres
  • There are 3 lines, marked with hats
  • 2 Teams stand on opposite sides of the center line and try to hit each other
  • If you are hit, you walk to the line behind the opponent
  • If you succeed in hitting an opponent, you may return to the line behind him.
  • The team that has all players on the backline loses.
  • 2 Benches face each other, between 6 and 8 meters apart
  • On every bench there are 4 to 6 pawns
  • There are 2 teams who must try to knock off the pawns by throwing them over.
  • Pawns that have fallen down can be taken to your own side
  • The team that has all the pawns wins
  • Place the pawns in bicycle tires, where you are not allowed to stand inside.

  • 2 Teams
  • Players place themselves on call on both sides at the 5 defensive positions: LH-LO-MO-RO-RH
    • Then run to attack position
    • Then a minimum of 3 throws (e.g. MO-RO-RH-RO)
    • Then shot at pawn
    • Return to defense
  • Players out, players in
    • Back to offense
    • Again at least 3 throws
    • Shot on target, etc.
  • Who is the first to knock over 3 pawns wins
  • 2 Groups line up next to each other
  • The player in front rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • The last player slaloms around the players to the front, joins in and rolls the ball backwards again.
  • Players lie down after rolling the ball backwards.
  • The player in the back takes the ball and jumps over the other players
  • Each player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
  • From the back line make three rows LO/MO/ RO
  • The trio which starts from the 6 meter
  • LO passes the ball to MO who makes a short pass on the right side
  • The RO comes from behind and receives the ball and makes a short dribble and a short change on the left
  • The outside builders run wide
  • The LO comes through the middle and receives the ball from the RO
  • The new MO shoots at the goal. Alternate positions
  • You place 4 pawns in a square approx 6x6m.
  • Players are divided at the pawns, possibly in a row.
  • One player gets the ball, walks slowly to the next pawn and throws the ball to the first player at the next pawn who has also started walking.
  • As soon as the ball is caught, the first player at the next pawn starts walking and catches the ball again, etc.
  • Important, players do not walk sideways but forwards and bend their upper body sideways.
  • Make sure the players throw the ball into the hands of the next player.
  • The higher the speed of the exercise, the further in front of the player the ball must be thrown.
  • The exercise can be performed at all speeds, walking and running.