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Hockey drills

Put out as many times as there are players:
  • Each player has their own pawn.
  • They play 1-1 with the person opposite them.
  • The ball is in the middle.
  • At the whistle, they start trying to tap the other person's pawn.
  • After a certain time, blow the whistle.
  • Player who won moves one space to the right on the loser 1 to the left.
  • In case of a tie; stone paper scissors.
drawing 1 vs. 1 mini
  • There is a box of 4 different colored pawns.
  • The players start 5 to 10 meters away from the box (in this case the 23 meter line).
  • The trainer calls out a number of colors in succession.
  • E.g. Blue red orange blue.
  • The players then run to those pawns and then back to where they started.
drawing conditioning pilons
  • You start at the 25 yard line.
  • Gives a pass to the left. 
  • This player gives a pass to a player at the edge of the circle.
  • Who drives something.
  • Plays the ball into the circle and shoots at goal.
drawing Pass - finishing
  • On a quarter of a field, set out several exercises,
  • The players can start directly after each other.
    • From slalom,
    • dummy,
    • herring trick
    • to a walk you can set out.
  • So that during the warming up they can focus on all the techniques.
drawing Ball control warming up
  • Two players continuously play the ball over until one student is so close to the goal that he can score in the goal.

  • Variation 2-1 situation:
    • Under pressure from the defender, the attackers must now play together and try to score.
    • The defender can score a point by conquering the ball and then dribbling over the dead ball line.
    • This is the short side without a goal.
  • Putting down pawns.
  • Make several situations, this depends on the amount of players you have.
  • Dribble around the cones, at the last cone pass the ball back to the waiting team-mate, the team-mate also starts the slalom dribble again.
  • Same as above, but now after the slalom score in the goal ( between two cones ), you take the ball out of the goal again yourself.
  • Variation:
    • Instead of shooting into the goal, give a cross after the last pawn to the person who is waiting at the pawn in front of the goal,
    • This person shoots it into the goal and takes the ball back.
    • The person who has passed stands on the spot in front of the goal to receive the ball.
  • The players are divided into teams of 3.
  • The game is played 3-3 on different fields.
  • Players can score in 2 goals and therefore must also defend 2 goals.
  • Variation:
    • Take away the goal.
    • Each team can only score on 1 goal, so they only have to defend 1 goal.
  • This step is performed in different ways.
  • The easiest way is to make a kind of sideways jump.
  • It is also possible to make a cross pass, which brings you to the same height as the jump.
  • Make sure that your left foot reaches the same height as the ball during your run-up
  • You should place your foot about 30 cm away from the ball, so that you have enough space to place your stick near the ball
  • At a high level, the drag flick is a common variant of the penalty corner.
  • It is also the only variant where the ball can be played at high speed, high on the goal.
  • Below, the basic technique of the sledge push is explained in 4 steps.
  • Float along the outside of the square.
  • Not only looking at the ball but also looking forward/around you.
  • In the room are hoops.
  • 2 teams play against each other.
  • You can score a point by passing the ball 5 times and then putting the ball in a hoop.
  • The other team can then take the ball.