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Korfball drills

  • Make sure you are always on the move and keep space for your teammates
  • There is always one of the 4 (diagonal to the ball) who sinks to the post to be able to catch a shot
  • Try to get each other in a shooting position at a maximum of 6 metres, or indicate from the space that you want to break through because the opponent is biting.
  • In the 1:1 you try to score 2x in 1 minute.
  • The defender makes choices which ball she defends.
  • The attacker and the passer play this out together.
  • attack, defend and pass each 3x 1 minute.
  • 4 defenders stand at the post and look at their opponent who stands at a hat. (Hats in the corners of the box)
  • From the centre line, the ball is placed in a corner.
  • The foursome in the corners try to score as quickly as possible and use the (temporary) overtal situation.
  • The defender of the player who gets the ball makes a circle from the basket before he may defend.
  • The three other defenders try to prevent scoring.
  • Be careful not to infringe, as there is always a lady free. (This exercise is about insight and overview).
  • Party
  • E1 against E2
  • Encourage E2 to take turnovers, because E1 is not defending well yet.
    • Offensive: let the ball go fast, but do not run through each other.
  • Encourage E2 to defend closer to the ball.
  • Encourage E1 to make actions towards the basket and try to get free at shot distance.
    • Defensively do not turn around, stay with your opponent etc.

  • Variant on shot movement triangle
    • Instead of a shot
    • Start rebounding away for a short chance
    • Front player remains in play-off position
    • Indicates position of rebound (1/5)
  • Variant 2:
    • Frontline player runs one back (space)
    • Ball diagonal and throwing player comes next to it
drawing Variant of triangle shot movement
  • Per pair both score 2 times on 4/5 meter then to the next pole (can overtake each other).
    • Team that is first back to their own basket wins.
  • Idem db 4 per person (PP)
  • Idem 4 dots pp, wrong is start counting again at 0
  • Shot pp from pylon (distance), score 3, is get pylon in the middle.
    • Are they gone, you may take them away from another, until you have 5 as a pole.
drawing competition large field
  • You have two attackers on the side in the middle between two baskets.
  • The attacker must try to score with the help of the two players.
  • At an interception, the defender becomes the attacker.
  • When a goal is scored, the attacker gets a bonus and is allowed to keep attacking, only now he has to attack the other basket.
  • When three goals have been scored, the winning attacker is rested and exchanged with a declarer.
drawing Attacking with double touch on the side

In short: practicing various shooting variants in a fun competition form.

  • Organization: per group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle.
  • The number of persons per group is less important (but all groups are about the same size).
  • The first assignment for the groups is: score 10 goals.
  • When you have completed this assignment, the person who scored the last goal runs to the trainer to pick up the next assignment.
  • Which group completed all assignments first?
  • The trainer walks around, encouraging, or correcting.
  • He has a piece of paper with him with a row of assignments on it.
  • When someone comes to pick up the next assignment, first ask which one has just been done (this can vary considerably over time) and then hand out the next assignment.
  • An example list: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 8-meter shots, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodge balls next to the pole, 10 6-meter shots.
  • Everything is possible of course, a lot of momentum is gained if the number of goals to be scored is kept small.
  • 10 walk-through balls
  • 20 small oppertunities
  • 6 remote shots
  • 10 penalty throws
  • 1 backwards

  • Triplets under the basket
  • No. 1 shoots from under the basket
  • No. 2 catches the ball and shoots from under the basket (there where she/he catches the ball)
  • No. 3 catches the ball .........
  • Nr. 1 catches the ball ......... etc.
  • Whichever team has scored 30 goals first.
  • Option, when the ball falls to the ground 1 point deducted from the goal score, less than 0 is not possible.
  • The trainer calls an exercise with the number of goals
  • Example:
    • 10 shots
    • 10 passes
    • 5 penalty shots
    • 4 free balls
  • The players have to complete these exercises in pairs as quickly as possible.
  • When they are ready they sit down on the designated bench.
    • 1st - no task
    • 2nd - 2 x push-ups
    • 3rd - 4 x push-ups
    • 3rd - 6 x push-ups
    • etc.
  • 4 against 4.
  • Pay attention to the basic set-up, to the ball pace and to the movement of the players, so that there is not just one attacker moving.
  • Make the game more surprising by moving the ball, pulling the ball away, throwing it deep, etc.
  • You make 2 teams and you play with them butter cheese and eggs.
  • You have to put a ribbon with your color on the caps who has three in a row first wins.
  • If you are out of ribbons you can move your own color.