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Korfball drills

  • Take 2 shots from motion and 1 walkthrough ball:
    • Intent is to get 21 (or more) with your basket.
  • Scoring a shot counts for 2 points.
  • Scoring a walkthrough ball counts for 1 point.
  • Not hitting a basket means 1 point.
  • If you end up on 11, you have to start again from 0.
  • Per basket you have the goal to score 75x.
  • Passing ball: 25x.
  • Short chance with intermediate pass: 25x.
  • Penalty throw: 25x.
  • Passing to and stepping out of bounds to take the shot.
  • Ditto but jumping in to the shot.
  • Passing to the next player to get the shot.
  • Shooter with his back to the declarer, declarer shouts 'YES' and plays to the shooter.
  • Idem, but this time playing next to the archer to jump in.

  • Depending on the number of players per basket, the assignments may change:
    • per 2 it is simply 1 against 1, and your goal is to be the first to get 3 points.
    • Per 3, we have shooter 1 who does the assignment, if passed, both opponents must undo the point.
    • If only one of the opponents completes the counter mission, the shooter gets 1 point. If none of the opponents completes the counter mission, the shooter gets 2 points.
    • Your goal is to be the first to get 4 points.
  • Make 2 out of 5 distance shots (6 m.);
    • Then you get one chance of 4 m.
    • Which you must score to earn a point.
    • Your opponent can undo this point by also scoring the 4 m. chance.
  • score 3 out of 5 short chances (4 m.);
    • then score 2 penalty shots (out of 2) to earn a point.
    • Your opponent can undo this by scoring both penalty shots as well.
  • Score 2 out of 5 shots from behind the basket (5 m.);
    • then score 3 walk-throughs (out of 3 chances) to earn a point.
    • Your opponent can undo this by also scoring 3 walk-through balls.
  • score 1 of 5 distance shots (8 m.);
    • then score 3 out of 4 chances under the basket.
    • Your opponent can undo this by scoring 3 out of 3 chances under the basket 2.
  • The poles are in the middle of the field.
  • The through balls are taken from the sideline and we run through to the other sideline.
  • Then back to the pole.
  • Each player runs for 2,5 minutes and gives the other time.
  • Posts are in the middle of the field.
  • The players walk from the sideline to the pole, take a walkthrough and walk to the other side of the field.
  • Each player runs 2 times 2,5 minutes back and forth.
  • They also pass the ball twice.
  • Each time 5 times through the rope ladder Starting slowly and increasing your speed slightly each time, so that the 5th time is at full speed.
    • Walk through with two feet inside the ladder.
    • 2 feet inside the ladder/ two feet outside the ladder with knee in angle of 90 degrees.
    • Hopping left twice from left to side, to the middle, then hopping right twice to right side and right back in.
    • Sideways 2 feet in and two out.
    • 2 forward, 1 backward, 2 forward etc.

  • The ball is played to a moving lady at about 4 meters.
  • The person passing on determines whether the ball is placed to the left or to the right of the lady.
  • The passing must be tight and at eye level of the shooter. score 10x pp
  • Next, a defender comes to stand in front of the take-off lady.
  • Now you see that, if you do not keep the ball up, it will be difficult for the receiver to see it
  • So if you hold the ball up high, she can see which way you are going to pass and can therefore react properly
  • If she does not get free, check the position of the defender, make sure you are playable and the person taking the ball steps outagain
  • Again with the defender, but now you pretend to throw.
  • For the receiver, this is the signal that she must come for the breakthrough. score 10x pp
  • Set up a playing field.
  • One person is the ticker, and must tick off everyone.
  • The other people have 2 balls at their disposal, which they can pass around.
  • You are not allowed to be tapped when you have the ball in your hands.
  • So when the ticker is running to someone, you have to throw the ball to this player.
  • You are not allowed to hold the ball endlessly.

First pass without a defender.

  • Caution:
    • Straight line to the basket
    • Excellent
    • Flowing movement
    • Signaller on time

If that goes well, then:

  • Defender joins in, he allows everything.
  • Caution:
    • Attacker must walk in the path of the defender.
    • Walk in a straight line, not with a curve to the basket.
    • Stretching.

If that goes well, then:

  • The defender stays with the attacker, and now defends well.
  • Stand by:
    • The defender, what is his position? (Does he bend his knees a little, is he moving backwards, etc.)
    • The attacker must walk in the same lane as the defender.
    • Walk in a straight line, not with a curve to the basket.
    • Stretching.
  • 2 pawns/covers for the pole at about 8 meters.
  • The pawns are next to each other with about 2/3 meters between them.
  • The goal is to run back and forth between the pawns and to tap the pawns.
  • After x number of times the person who was between the pawns has to make a pass.
drawing .
  • Try to bounce through 'the forest' without the 'trees' knocking the ball away with their 'branches', then score in the baskets behind the forest.
  • Who has scored the most goals?
  • Step 1:
    • You may occasionally grip the ball with two hands.
  • Step 2:
    • You may occasionally bounce the ball with 2 hands.
  • Step 3:
    • You must do everything with one hand.


  • A runner may not hold the ball in 2 hands, but must bounce with 1 hand.
  • A runner must stay within the lines or the forest.
  • If the ball is tapped away from the runner, the runner will start over again.
  • Make sure the children don't have to wait.
  • Several runners start at the same time!
  • If the runner manages to get out of the forest, the runner can:
  • Step 1:
    • Shoot at the cor until a score is scored.
  • Step 2:
    • Max. 1 shot.
  • The 'tree' stays completely in the hoop or with one leg.
  • Choice of the trainer.
  • The 'tree' can tap the ball away with 2 hands or with one hand on the back.
  • Choice of the trainer.
drawing stumble through the forest