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Korfball drills

  • Piles in a row.
  • Zigzagging through balls.
  • After a few minutes who is the first to score 5 through balls.
  • Players in two rows.
  • Taking turns, a player goes to the pilon, lifting his knees, hopping, heels, buttocks, at the pilon, the trainer indicates the direction of the walk.
  • At the pilon the trainer indicates the direction of running: either towards the left pilon, or the right one. Sprint to the left or right pilon.
  • When the first player reaches the trainer, the next player can run.
  • Around the pillars, back to the other row.
  • You start with 3 players at a pole.
  • Number 1 runs aside, gets the ball and shoots, then the one under the post (player 3) catches the ball.
  • At that moment player 2 has to cut in front of player 1 and run for the second chance.
  • Continue this way until one of the two has made three.
  • The loser changes places with the one under the basket, a winner may stay at the basket a maximum of 3 times.
  • 1 loafer who can't have the ball, no tapping.
  • Throwing good balls.
  • Not caught is fault of the thrower.
  • Tapping the ball is enough for the batsman.
  • Roll the dice
  • How many dots do you see?
  • This is how many steps you make from the basket and from there you make a distance shot.
  • 2nd variant:
    • Throw the dice
    • How many dots do you see?
    • How many walk-throughs or penalty shots or small chances can you make?
  • Set out a course for relay where the children have to pass the ball on, so with
    • pawns,
    • running ladders,
    • benches
    • etc.
  • One person runs the course with the ball and then passes the ball to the next person.
  • 2 or 3 teams means 2x the course.
  • Three teams at a basket. 1 shooter, 2 catchers who stand about 3 metres on either side of the basket facing the shooter.
  • As soon as the shooter has released the ball, they may move towards the basket to catch it.
  • The first player to catch the ball correctly may be the shooter.
  • Quick turn.
  • If there is a person who does not catch the ball first, give that person extra guidance to catch it correctly.

  • Pionnon at 2.5, 4 and 6 meter, first pawn hits 1 point, 3 and 5 points on the next one.
  • Shooter may choose where to shoot from. first 40 points
  • Passing balls from every pawn, always behind the post. Order of scoring 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1 pawn on the side, 3 meter next to the other 3. shoot from the move and hit the first 2 pawns, then change.

  • You have the team form a circle around the trainer.
  • They have to keep moving; when they are called left, they turn left and sprint away.
  • When the call is to the right, they turn right and sprint away
  • You have an attacker at 5 meters in front of the basket who is going to shoot on the move.
  • Underneath the basket there is a declarator and a rebounder.
  • After having played the ball, the attacker leaves the room.
  • The attacker shoots as soon as he has the ball and runs immediately to catch it himself.
  • The attacker only has a point when he catches the ball himself.
  • The rebounder has a point when he catches the ball.

In teams of four, two attackers and two defenders.

  • Player 1 with the ball throws it to player 2.
  • Player 1 comes next to player 2
  • Player 2 throws the ball back and runs deep
  • Player 1 throws the ball to player 2
  • Player 1 goes right in for catch and player 2 shoots.
  • Two teams.
  • Setters on 2/3 on a mat.
  • Basket on both sides on 4.
  • High speed ball over the net, pass to setter, setter plays towards the basket.
  • The setter is not allowed to leave the mat!
  • Hitting the basket is 1 point, ball in basket is 3 points.
  • Who is first at 25 wins!
