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Korfball drills for technique defense

  • You make a box,
    • in which stands an attacker,
    • The attacker must keep moving in the box while a defender runs alongside.
    • 1 person always plays the ball.
    • The defender looks at the ball and tries to catch it.
    • Every time the attacker catches the ball, someone else comes into the box.
    • When the defender catches the ball, he throws it back and you try again.

2 men and 2 women per pole.
Under the post, one is the defending side and one is the attacking side.

  • The offensive side takes the catching position, the defensive side tries to rebound.
  • The two people in front take turns shooting.
  • The rebounders change positions every shot.
  • Whoever gets 3 rebounds first gets a point.
  • Then switch roles (shooters<>rebounders).

Who gets 5 points first?

  • 1 forward under the post,
  • 1 attacker and
  • 1 defender in front of the post.
    • Attacker starts 5-6 m from the post,
    • attacker gets 3 goal attempts to score a goal.
    • If he fails to do so, he stays put and gets another defender.
    • This is rotated until the attacker scores.

You play the old fashioned game of loafing. You play in the formation shown below. One pylon is always empty. The attackers have to occupy the empty pylon by running free. In the middle stands the loafer. He tries to intercept the ball by making a smart move. It is not allowed to cross at an angle.

  • Each group has a basket and a ball, the baskets should preferably (but not necessarily) be arranged in a circle or rectangle.
  • The number of persons per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).
  • The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 walkthrough ball goals.
  • When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group has completed all assignments first?
  • The trainer has a piece of paper with a list of assignments.
  • When someone comes to get the next task, first ask him which task he just did (it can vary a lot after a while) and then give the next task.
  • List:
    • 10 passing balls,
    • 15 penalty shots,
    • 5 shots from 4 meters,
    • 10 walk-throughs from behind the basket,
    • 10 shots from 3 meters behind the basket.
  • The children stand in a square around the pole.
  • They pass the ball around by walking in and out and coming up next to the person with the ball.


  • The person in the middle stands as a catcher and the person behind the post as a passer.
  • The two in front start moving, the ball is thrown out or passed.

When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.

Start line-up
Two groups at the first two pawns.

The first one in line runs to the hoop and goes through the hoop from the bottom, so the hoop goes over their head. Then he goes through the defense posture to pawn two and turns around it 4 times. Finally, he runs to pawn 3 and scores before he can run back to pawn 1 and tap the next one in line.

Defensive stance:
Backwards and through the knees with your arm up.

Distance setup:
Hoop from pawn 1: 5 meter.
Pawn 2 from hoop: 5 meter.
Pawn 3 from pawn 2: 5 meter.
Pole from cone 3: 4 meter.


When practising 1:1 duels for the attacker, the role of the defender is very important. By his actions, he forces the attacker to perform a certain action Dose the defenders so that the attacker learns the technique and especially the timing in stages

Staying on the ball is not so difficult when the attacker is bigger than the defender, the ball can easily be played high up It is more difficult when the attacker is smaller, passing is often a curved ball which is placed behind the attacker By moving in the wide line in front of the basket, the attacker has to get loose.

The organisation is in threes or fours with a fixed division of functions, 1 or 2 attackers, an attacker and a defender. The duration of each exercise is 45 seconds.

Exercise 1

The attacker makes as many shots as possible, any kind of shot is allowed. The defender follows alone, he does not block the shots or the passing.

Exercise 2

The defender tries to block all distance shots. The attacker can take through balls. If the defender does not approach sufficiently, the shot may still be taken.

Exercise 3

The defender will make the through ball impossible by keeping a safe distance. The attacker will shoot more.

The attacker will move further and further away from the basket, causing the quality of his shots to deteriorate. The attacker will have to look for his opponent first and make an evasive move when the distance is small enough. Looking for the opponent is easiest by pretending to take a walk-through ball, i.e. high walking pace.

Exercise 4

The attacker plays together with the attacker(s) and can patiently look for the right opportunity. Within the time allowed, the attacker may create three chances. The attacker learns that not every chance must be taken.

Exercise 5

The attacker is instructed to score twice in 45 seconds, in any form.

In the preceding exercises, the defender has limited himself to preventing shooting. The exercises can be repeated with the defender obstructing the approach. The attacker must now react and make an effort to be and remain passable After receiving the ball, there is often space for a shot

Inshort: practise various forms of the shot in a fun competition format.

Organisation: each group a basket and a ball, the baskets are preferably (but not absolutely necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (all groups should be about the same size).

The first assignment for the groups is: make 10 walkthrough ball goals. When you are done, the creator of the last goal goes to the trainer to get the next assignment. Which group will have completed all assignments first?

The trainer walks around the room, encouraging or correcting the players. He has a piece of paper with a list of assignments. When someone comes to get the next assignment, first ask him which assignment he just completed (after a while this can vary considerably) and then give the next one. Here's an example: 10 walk-through balls, 15 penalty shots, 5 shots from 8 meters, 10 walk-through balls from behind the basket, 5 dodgeballs next to the post, 10 shots from 6 meters. Everything is possible of course, a lot of speed will come when the number of goals to be scored is kept small.

In short: practise various forms of the shot with a fixed defender.

Organisation: teams of four per basket, one fixed forward and one fixed defender, the other two take turns shooting. After about 1 minute, the players change functions.

All forms of the shot mentioned with the exercises with threes are eligible to be practised in this form of organisation. The purpose of these exercises with the defender present can be to have the shooter perform the exercises at full speed (e.g. when shooting through balls or just the distance shot): not give the opportunity to "aim"), to bring the shooter more in the "game situation" (shooting with a defender right in front of you is very different than calmly laying down for a distance shot), to give the shooter a feeling of the right moment (making an evasive move which is followed by a breakthrough instead of a distance shot is not difficult, it is mainly about the moment that the defender is in the wrong position and the final move must be made), to start away in all directions. Note: the required turn is not the same in all cases, a turn can even be omitted when starting away in the extension of the post. The shot is most difficult when the archer walks straight towards the declarer; in other cases the shooting is easier, but the pure marking more difficult.

Exercise o. is an example of a combination of two standard movements. There are more to come, for example: starting away from the basket, but after receiving the ball take a walk-through ball, or: dodge over right, receive ball, play ball inside again and continue with a dodge ball over left, etc.

Point well!

The exercises a., b. and c. are especially meant to be able to shoot a ball that is not well placed.

To teach at which place a movement should be started (e.g. at a break-through that is broken off very suddenly and is then followed by a shot from very close range or at which place a dodge movement should be started).

Most korfball players do not like shooting drills with defenders present. However, for the reasons mentioned above, I think that shooting under pressure should be done regularly. It is essential that the defenders know what their function in this exercise is: it is about ......(filling in one of the goals mentioned above) and not about making it impossible for the shooter to shoot. It is a breeze for a defender to prevent any shot: he knows what is coming. On the other hand, if an attacker does not do well, the defender should indeed try to block the shot, or not fall into the poorly executed feint.

Course of the exercises:

(using the example of taking evasive balls). The regular attacker stands under the basket with the ball, the two shooters stand about 10 meters in front of the basket, the defender stands near one of them. The attacker with the defender is running towards the basket, forces the defender to run with him, makes a sudden evasive manoeuvre, freeing him from the defender, receives the ball and shoots. The defender tries to obstruct, but is just too late to execute properly. Immediately afterwards, the defender passes to the second attacker, who does the same, etc. After about 1 minute or after, say, five shots both shooters switch functions.

Variation: the two archers stand about 6 metres in front of the basket and about 4 metres from each other. The attacker stands under the basket. The defender must now defend both archers. The attackers may play together a maximum of two times, then one of them must shoot.

In short: initial exercise for defending, where everyone has to follow the movements of the trainer.

Organisation: The players are spread out in the room with a distance of at least 4 metres between them. Everyone stands facing the trainer, who is about 8 metres in front of the group.

a) The trainer walks at a steady pace towards the group. The players must now walk backwards at the same pace, so that the distance to the trainer remains the same. After about ten meters, the trainer stops and walks backwards away from the group. The players also have to stop and walk forwards. The trainer gradually increases the pace and makes sure to walk forwards and backwards at different distances.

b ) As a., but now the trainer walks at a steady pace to the left, the players walk to the right. This way the players walk continuously alternating to the left and to the right, over ever changing distances, at an ever increasing pace.

c ) As a., but now it is important that the players react as fast as possible. The distance between the players should also remain the same. The tempo is high.

d ) Like b., but also at high speed and with a quick reaction. The trainer can verbally support her movements to encourage: "to the left, to the right, faster, yes, good girl! A nice variation that requires more concentration of the players: occasionally shout 'to the left', and then deliberately walk to the right! The command was: follow me, so the players have to follow the movements.

e ) The trainer now walks alternately in 4 different directions, which the players have to follow (combination of c. and d.). The pace is quite high. In principle, this is already a normal defensive exercise. Especially if we move on to f:

f ) As e., but the trainer brings clear tempo changes to her running. She usually runs at a steady pace, but occasionally there is a significant acceleration The players have to react to it immediately! Variations: It may happen that the trainer gets tired herself during this exercise. Or she may have forgotten her korfball shoes (of course it's a shame, but it can happen), or she may be injured. Then there are two solutions possible:

1 ) Not the trainer stands in front of the group, but one of the players, who has been explained the intention beforehand by the trainer. Many (especially children) will find this fun to do. The danger is that there will be more 'gossiping'.

2) The trainer stands in front of the group and indicates with her arms what has to happen: if the left arm is stretched out, the group has to walk to the right, if the arms are brought backwards with a beckoning movement, the group has to walk forwards, etc. The tempo changes are indicated by the trainer. The trainer indicates the changes in pace verbally: 'calm walk,.... And now a little faster, .... pace! ... and again calmly ....'

Tapping or blocking the ball is, just like blocking the shot, largely a matter of feeling. That is why it is important to perform the same exercise against a different opponent. Because this person throws differently, the exercise will be completely different.