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Korfball drills for technique passing / attack

  • Per pair both score 2 times on 4/5 meter then to the next pole (can overtake each other).
    • Team that is first back to their own basket wins.
  • Idem db 4 per person (PP)
  • Idem 4 dots pp, wrong is start counting again at 0
  • Shot pp from pylon (distance), score 3, is get pylon in the middle.
    • Are they gone, you may take them away from another, until you have 5 as a pole.
drawing competition large field
  • 4 against 4.
  • Pay attention to the basic set-up, to the ball pace and to the movement of the players, so that there is not just one attacker moving.
  • Make the game more surprising by moving the ball, pulling the ball away, throwing it deep, etc.
  • Make groups of 3 to 4 cows.
  • Start at the side and stop at the other side.
  • Number 1 throws to 2,
  • 2 to 3
  • and 3 to 1 again.
  • Always about 3 mtr and kk are instructed to use diagonal running lines.
    • Pay attention to throw for the lady and show the hand which has to be thrown.
  • Number of times without opponent and then with opponents.
  • You get one point for reaching the line.
  • When the ball is intercepted, everyone stands on the same height as the player with the ball and then they can start.
  • Put four caps around the basket at a distance of 4 meters.
  • 1 in front 2 on either side of the basket and 1 behind the basket.
  • The players at the front/back are 1 team and the player on either side of the basket are 1 team.

Option 1:

  • A shot is taken by a random player all 4 players try to grab the rebound.

Option 2:

  • There is shot by a random player all 4 player try to grab the rebound.
  • Once the ball is caught by a player he has 2 choices: He shoots the ball directly at the basket himself or he places the ball directly on his teammate and he takes the shot.
  • One rebounder, one defender and one attacker.
  • 30 sec attacks...if attacker can score, he becomes rebounder at the next post.
  • If not, he becomes the defender.
  • Rebounder becomes attacker all the time...
  • You are going to throw up from 2 meters distance
  • If you get it right 10 times, step back to a certain point
  • Then you go back and throw on 1 leg
drawing Transfer
3/4 pairs at a basket
place the ball in to the basket and move to the left, get the ball back and shoot
then go back to the right and take a through ball.
score 10 distance shots from the left and 10 from the right.

You can also emphasize the through ball with this exercise with the assignment, score 20 through balls over the right and 20 over the left
Or shot at 1 and through ball at the other hat.
drawing shot from movement after passing in, then through ball
Player A cuts inside to take a through ball and Player B throws it to him/her. Player A catches his/her own ball and moves to Player B's position, etc.

To make it tougher, you can have the person indicating the ball catch it himself/herself.
drawing Walk-through ball from space
3-team per post.
Shooter at 6 meters in front of the post with defender.

Keeps defender busy by moving.
Ball tight to shooter and take the shot.
Change after 3 attempts.
  • Watch the defender. How does she stand?
  • Where should you place? Off the line of the defender on the shooter's outside hand.
  • With what pace should you pass the ball?
Score 10 goals together.
  • The player with the ball has a defender trying to intercept the ball.
  • The attacker plays with the 3 others and with as little running as possible tries to pass the ball with the 3 helpers for 1 minute.
  • The ball may be in the hands of a player for max 3 seconds.
drawing Freewheeling
  • Blue player with ball plays the ball to outrunning player under the post.
  • Then this one runs with it himself, gets the ball back and shoots.
  • The front player goes to the back and the back player to the front.
  • The red player in the diagonal catches and plays to red in front of the basket.
  • This one runs out, gets the ball back and plays back to the running red player, this one shoots and the blue player catches.
  • Again, the players switch positions.
Which pair scores 10x first?
drawing Dodge shot with pairs
  • You have 5 active attackers in the field, 4 attackers and 1 defender.
  • The 4 attackers throw over and stay in motion, ball in hand is staying still.
  • The scapegoat may tap the person with the ball notThe attacker must look where the catcher is going and throw the ball.
  • The ball must be held as short as possible.
  • When one of the attackers is tagged, they change function (attacker becomes tag, and the tag becomes attacker).