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Korfball drills for technique running in shot

  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot when the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a walkthrough ball finally he takes a short chance afterwards.

Important: Tightplacement and quick release so that the ball can be walked on immediately.

  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • Per pair at a basket.
  • Start with 2 distance shots and score pp then get an assignment card from the trainer.
  • Add up the points on the cards.
  • Pairs,
  • running around the circle of pawns.
  • When you hear a 'YES' you have to pass the ball as fast as possible.
  • After scoring three times you may switch with the attacker.
  • After that with pulling away under the pole of the declarer,
  • If you score as declarer you may remain standing,
  • Otherwise you change with the taker.
  • 6 players, each under one post and the remaining players are going to run on/out/take short chances.
  • First to the middle where there is a cap and then to a pole that is free.
  • 2 players move between the 6 posts making a rectangle.
  • When a yes is said, one of the two players who does not have the ball runs to the post, the player with the ball throws the ball and runs after it to make a pass.
  • When no yes is said the players pass to each other with the outside hand and are on the move.
  • Pawn at 6/7 meters in front of the basket.
  • Attackers under the basket. In a circuit take through balls.
  • Do you score? Then change with the person under the basket where you scored.

Between two posts

  • Player starts to run and halfway he gets the ball from trainer 1,
  • Immediately passes to trainer 2 and runs to the basket.
  • There he gets the ball from trainer 2 and tries to score with a shot.
  • tries to score with a shot.
  • 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket then he takes a shot if the ball is caught under the basket he then goes inside and takes a through ball finally he then takes a short chance.
  • Point count:
    • Shot counts 2x
    • Walkthrough counts 1x
    • Short chance counts 1x
  • 3 min long and then look per basket who has the most points
  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundTouch the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this 5 times.
  • Pole 1
    • Then you take a dodge at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • run through the pole 2.
  • Pole 3
    • 5 squads.
  • Pole 3
    • Score 1 small chance
    • We do this 3 times, then change under the pole
  • When the group knows how to make the through ball, they can start with the technique with resistance from a defender.
  • Not only the pace of the run-up is important, but also cutting off the defender's running line.

  • A player is standing near the basket.
  • Two players stand next to each other at a distance of 6 metres.
  • One is attacker, the other defender.
  • The attacker starts for the walkthrough, but in the meantime the defender tries to defend.
  • The attacker must try to cut off the run of the defender immediately after the start.
  • This means that when the runner starts to the left of the defender, the runner passes the basket on the left side.
  • The runner therefore crosses the running line of the opponent

In short: practise passing the ball from difficult situations.

Organisation: three or four teams per basket, one or two people under the basket, two in front of it. After marking the ball, walk forward to make a fastball, i.e. turn around.

(a ) Bouncing balls, indicated by a bounce.

(b ) Signalling too late: take overhead walkthroughs.

(c ) Signalling too late: the runner runs (left or right) past the basket and raises the ball more or less sideways or diagonally backwards.

(d) Late tagging: the runner runs along the near post and flings the ball over the head into the basket with one hand.

(e ) Marking too late: the ball is taken in the jump.

f ) The ball is passed too early: a 'long pull' must be taken with a long moment of suspension in the movement.

g ) The ball is not thrown in but rolled (can also occur in matches when the ball is knocked out of hands, or after an unsuccessful bouncing ball for example).

h ) the ball is indicated from the side, after which a through ball follows

Divide the players among the baskets. Put 2 pawns about 7 meters in front of the basket and about 5 meters apart.

When 4 players per basket:

  • 1 attacker under the basket
  • 1 rebounder
  • Other player(s) at the top of the pawns.
  • Ball starts with the player(s) at the top

Player at the top of the pawn passes the ball to the declarer, walks towards the second pawn and receives the ball from the declarer in the run (and on the outside hand). Player makes a run through after changing hands (important that the player first points to the basket - shot threat - before playing the ball inside with the hand change). Rebounder catches the ball.

Passing on: player who took the pass becomes rebounder, rebounder becomes attacker and attacker goes up to make the pass.