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Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot

  • Lady under the post throws out
    • Receiver of the ball shoots,
    • The ball that is caught goes back to the shooter,
    • The other lady comes in sight of the ball carrier and gets the ball.
    • She shoots.
  • Then she receives the ball back and the first lady comes in sight of the receiver and shoots.
  • After 10 shots, there is a change of function.
  • Each player comes 3x under the post.
  • Which trio scores more than 15 times
drawing shot from motion without the ball
  • Under the post, the ball is played to the outside,
  • The other lady runs away from the ball carrier and gets a deep ball, the pole lady connects, gets the ball and shoots.
  • The first lady catches the ball and plays it back to the shooter who places the ball deep again, etc.
  • Which team will score first 3 times
drawing shot from motion
  • Shoot with a pair at the basket between 3 and 5 metres.
  • Change function after 5 shots
  • Score 15 times
  • Idem but now the ball is deliberately placed about 0.5 meter next to the body.
  • Run/jump into the ball
  • Scoring 10x
  • Player always starts from the middle.
  • Player places the ball to the passer and runs to pylon 1, receives the ball back and shoots.
  • Rebound catches it
  • Player walks to the middle and walks to the next pylon.
    • You do this in turns 1 player 1 minute
    • Number of goals scored counts.
  • Variant:
    • If you catch the ball and it falls on the ground, you lose a point.
drawing shot triangle in motion
  • Player 1 starts at a few meters from the basket to start a distance shot.
  • The ball is caught by player 2 and player 1 makes a run through.
  • The ball is caught again and player 1 makes a short chance from behind the basket.
  • If none of these 3 chances are seated, the player must do it again.
  • If one of the 3 chances is placed, the next player may try again.
  • Two players per basket.
  • At five metres in front of the basket stands an attacker, who shoots 3x at the basket, each goal is two points.
  • Underneath the basket is a rebounder.
  • The rebounder under the basket must catch the ball within one bounce, otherwise one point is deducted from the total score.
  • After three shots the rebounder becomes shooter and the shooter becomes rebounder.
  • Which team will have 15 points first?
  • Set up six baskets.
  • Under each basket, a regular player with the ball, the other players at the centre spot.

  1. Other players make two through balls on each basket. After the round, change leaders, then another round.
  2. On each basket, make one fly ball to the left. After the round, change helpers, then another round.
  3. On each basket, make one fly ball to the right. After the round, switch players, then another round.
  • Three at a basket
  • Two shooters in front of the basket at shooting distance 4-6 metres, one rebounder under the basket.
  • The shooters take turns shooting, whoever scores first can stay at the basket.
  • The losing shooter changes to the rebounder and the new battle begins.
  • Option: The shooter who scores three goals first may remain standing.
  • Option: In foursomes, you have two teams (one shooter, one rebounder), the losing team switches positions between them.
  • One shooter.
  • Two catchers.
  • Two balls.
  • The shooter shoots from an easy distance.
  • Because two balls are used, the pace of shooting is high.
  • The goal is not to get sloppy but to keep shooting technically and to "automate" the shot.
  • You can vary with locations or types of shot (short/distance/shot-through) and so on.
  • In two groups you are going to shoot.
  • 1 person is going to shoot, 1 catch, 1 hoop
  • The person is going to shoot
  • At every goal the person who takes the hoop, takes a hoop and puts it over the shooter.
  • The shooter has to stand there until someone has scored.
  • This way you keep on turning.
  • When there are no more hoops you change from basket.
  • Who has the most after 5 minutes, has won.
  • Practicing throwing and releasing on the short and long line.
  • The declarer stands far from the basket. The archer stands in front of the box at the side of the declarer.
  • The archer walks up to the declarer (the short line), receives the ball and shoots.
  • The declarer becomes a shooter, the shooter walks to behind the basket, the catcher arrives at the position of the declarer, after the ball is thrown to the next declarer.


  • The shooter chooses the long line after feinting towards the short line or basket.

  • Both variations can be trained with the opponent near the shooter, so that the declarer learns to judge when someone is free.
  • Dose the defender. When using a defender, the 2nd declarer (who in fact does nothing) can act as a defender.
  • The rotation after the exercise is: declarer becomes defender, defender becomes gunner, gunner becomes catcher and catcher becomes declarer (after a combination with a player).
  • Practicing throwing and releasing on the short and long line.
  • The declarer stands far from the basket. The archer stands in front of the box at the side of the declarer.
  • The archer walks up to the declarer (the short line), receives the ball and shoots.
  • The declarer becomes a shooter, the shooter walks to behind the basket, the catcher arrives at the position of the declarer, after the ball is thrown to the next declarer.


  • The shooter chooses the long line after feinting towards the short line or basket.

  • Both variations can be trained with the opponent near the shooter, so that the declarer learns to judge when someone is free.
  • Dose the defender. When using a defender, the 2nd declarer (who in fact does nothing) can act as a defender.
  • The rotation after the exercise is: declarer becomes defender, defender becomes gunner, gunner becomes catcher and catcher becomes declarer (after a combination with a player).