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Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot

Both groups will stand at 3 meters and must score 10. Which group is first?

Posts in a square, hats in the middle.

2 (or more) teams at a pole, on the starting signal start shooting from 4-5 meter. when a team has made 1 goal they may take a hat and put it under their pole.

When there are no more hats in the middle they can take from other poles.

First 2 team to get 3 hats wins.


Variation in number of hats in the middle, number of hats to win, distance and number of goals.

The same as with the through ball, but with a dodge.

First all shots on the left and then on the right.

Double at the side of the basket with player in front of the basket, player behind the basket.

Pass back and forth twice.

Run diagonally in front of the field, receive ball from support and finish calmly.

You stand on 1 meter and shoot. When you have scored, you may stand at 2 meters. If you score there, you stand on 3 meter and so on and so on.

You can choose the distance yourself and also how much.

You can also choose to go for example to the 5 meter and then back to the 1 meter. You can do this individually or in teams:

Scoring is rewarded, so if you score, you can shoot again from one meter away. If you don't score then the next player can stand on your spot and you continue as a team.

first basket shot, walk around second pawn for DLB. 2nd basket. Catch it yourself, handler walks to 3rd pawn, then towards the basket, stop move and pull back. Shot on 1 leg.

Divide over the baskets (max 3 per basket). Each group gets a ball. Each player must stand within one meter of the post. The goal is to score 15 goals as a group. The ball is not allowed to fall on the ground, then the counter starts at 0 again.

You work in pairs, per basket.
These pairs shoot 2 in pairs (1 per person).
When they are finished on that pole, they run to the next pole and score 2 more.
It may be that another duo is also busy on that pole, it doesn't matter. Both shoot then.

Who is the first to hit all the poles?

2 men and 2 women per pole.
Under the post, one is the defending side and one is the attacking side.

  • The offensive side takes the catching position, the defensive side tries to rebound.
  • The two people in front take turns shooting.
  • The rebounders change positions every shot.
  • Whoever gets 3 rebounds first gets a point.
  • Then switch roles (shooters<>rebounders).

Who gets 5 points first?

  • At pawn 1
    • touch the groundtap the ground, jump up and stretch all the way. We do this ten times.
  • Pole 1
    • Then you take a dodge at pole 1.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • 5 sit ups.
    • RUN TO POLE 2.
  • Pole 2
    • Take a run through at pole 2.
  • We do this 5 times
  • but each time change under the pole.
  • 1 forward under the post,
  • 1 attacker and
  • 1 defender in front of the post.
    • Attacker starts 5-6 m from the post,
    • attacker gets 3 goal attempts to score a goal.
    • If he fails to do so, he stays put and gets another defender.
    • This is rotated until the attacker scores.
  • All players have to shoot 10 times from the back.
  • The coach has a number in his mind and that is how many times the players must score.
  • If not, there is a consequence.
  • This is done individually and not as a team.