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Korfball drills for technique shoot / score / shot

You put up three poles in a triangle, in the middle of the three poles you put a pawn. Three children are placed as attackers and the other children stand near the pawns.
First, you can choose that the attackers have to run through the poles. It doesn't matter which pole they hit, they can hit the same pole twice in a row. You can choose for this, so they have to run a lot. Also the children have to score 2 times, the person who scores first can trade with a declarator, the other children can trade with a declarator.
After that you can choose to letthe children do free balls, penalty throws, foul balls etc.

shooting-at-multiple-polesYou have a pair at each pole, so the amount of poles depends on the size of the group. Everyone starts with scoring twice on the pole, when they have done this they go to the next pole. It can happen that two groups are standing at the same pole, this is because they don't all have to turn. The pairs only have to pass when they have scored twice.

Place a pawn in front of the pole at a good distance for your team.

target-practice3 men per basket. Player A starts as shooter at the first pawn. Player B starts to pass with the ball under the basket. Player C starts as catcher under the basket. Player A runs with fast movements around all the pawns. At the last pawn player A stops and gets ready to shoot. The passer (player B) throws the ball and the shooter (player A) shoots. Player C catches the ball. The passer (B) is going to shoot, and the shooter is going to catch.

5 goals at 5 meter distance.

3 persons at this pole and other poles pairs

1 pole shoots this way and 2 other poles shoot at 6 meters and when he sits, 1 goal to be scored. Work from 5 to 0.

Two teams, 1 ball, 4 poles. Posts are in a square.

Teams play over and try to hit the pole.

First 3 minutes right hand, then 3 minutes left hand.

Which team scores the most points?

Make a square with the 4 pawns, put the basket at a normal distance from the back line. (Approximately does not have to be exact)

Make 2 teams, one team starts with attacking and replaying, the other team must try to get the ball out of the way according to the rules.

You can switch when the ball is intercepted or after so many plays.


1) Doubles: 2 players facing each other, 1 player walks from left to right, the other throws the ball, always playing on the outside hand. Catch ball, return same hand, walk to the other side. Change function after a few times.

2) As 1 but player takes ball over, i.e. catch right hand, pass to left hand and play with it, walk to left hand, catch with left hand, pass to right hand and play with it etc. footwork

3) Three teams: 1 declarator, 1 contractor with defender. The contractor walks from left to right as in the previous exercise, the defender walks with him, facing the contractor and hindering the playing in, not the taking.

4) Full counter play. The contractor may pass to the left or right, directly, after an over-pack or possibly with a double or false over-pack (do not obstruct the passing, only the passing).

Pairs, not too far apart, 1 ball per pair. Throw the ball over with your preferred hand (let them catch it with 2 hands). Pay attention to the following

- right leg in front (right throw=left leg in front, left throw=right leg in front)

- Hold the ball on the hand with spread fingers

- Start by holding the ball as far back as possible.

- Throw the ball with after pointing

- Step forward while throwing

- not too hard, not too soft, but tight

- Aim at chest of fellow player

N.B.; Start with a distance of a few metres, if it goes well you can go further.

Each cub 1 ball, 1 adjustable basket. Set the basket so low that the basket is within reach of the shooter, however low that may be. Have the cubs shoot from close to the basket, grab the ball themselves, etc. Teach the technique correctly. Pay attention to:

- Stand in a small staggered position

- Hold the ball well on the side/bottom, hands symmetrical left/right on the ball, fingers spread

- Elbows not outwards

- Hold the ball high: in front of the nose

- Look over the ball to the basket (use the ball as a crosshair)

- Incline: sink a bit through your legs (the ball must remain in front of your nose)

- push out, i.e. make a long jump towards the basket, point at the ball with 2 index fingers and get slightly off the ground.

N.B.: Keep the basket low in the beginning, if it goes well it can be put higher and further.

Two pairs stand near a basket (one archer and one server per pair), both have a ball and must score on the same post. At the start of the game, they may start shooting. When one of the shooters scores, all shooters and suppliers must change their position. Play a competition to see which pair scores 10 goals first.

Shooting game where there is 1 declarer and 4 shooters who stand 5 to 6 meters from the basket.

Nr. 1 takes a shot, if he hits the ball then number 2 must hit the ball, if he misses he must give his place to the declarer. If he misses, he/she has to give up his/her place to the declarer. If he/she hits the ball, he/she can stay on the spot and number 3 has to hit the ball until one misses and he/she has to swap places with the declarer under the basket.

1 declarer and 1 attacker

The attacker draws away from under the basket diagonally and gets the ball passed to him by the attacker, the attacker hits the ball. The attacker runs to the basket again, touches the post and pulls away diagonally to the other side of the post and shoots again.

Do this for 1 minute and count the goals, the declarer catches the ball each time and passes it to the forehead of the attacker.