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Korfball drills for technique warming-up

  • 1 shooter in front of the post. 1 passer. 
  • Possibly with slight defensive pressure. 
  • Attacker moves left/right, gets the ball played and shoots (+-5 meters). 
  • When he scores, he earns a point and shoots through, if he misses he must first run to a line behind him at about 5 metres from the place of shooting. 
  • After this you can continue shooting. 
  • Switch goals every 3/4 of the time. 
  • Total 8/9 goals per post. (It depends on whether you play with or without a defender).
Work in pairs of 3. If a task fails, walk around the box and do the task again. Just until you finish.
Which group finishes first?
  • Take 10 through balls - score 9 times.
  • 10 shots from 5 meters - score 5x.
  • 10 shots from behind the basket at 4 meters - score 5x.
  • 10 penalty throws - 9x scoring.
The number of goals to score is fine for an A group and seniors. Adjust up or down if necessary.
Assignments for 3 teams: always take turns taking chances

  • Together score 9 go-arounds in a row.
    • In pairs make 6 go-arounds.
  • Together score 6 run-throughs in a row.
    • Basket from 2 to 4.
  • Together score 6 run-throughs, then together score 4 shots from movement from about 6 feet. Switch through after 2 shots.
    • Basket from 2 first together, score 4 through runners, then score together 4 shots from motion from about 4 meters behind the basket, change after 3 shots.
  • First each score 1 through runner, then each score 2 penalty throws.
    • At basket of 2, someone scores 2 follow-throughs.
  • First each score 1 follow-through, then each score 4 short chances under the basket.
    • At basket of 2, someone scores 2 through runners, and then each scores 6 short chances.
  • Make 2 teams.
  • Each team stands ready on one side of the field on the back line.
  • Put as many balls as players on both the 3-meter lines.
  • When the trainer/trainer calls GO!, everyone starts rolling the balls to the other side.
  • Whoever has the fewest balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.
  • Three baskets in triangle, divide among the three baskets.
  • Walk-through take, play out from basket 1 to basket 2, as player chases your ball for the walk-through.
  • Player 1 leaves from basket 1 to basket 2. Player 2 throws from basket 1 the deep ball to player 1 who takes a follow-through.
  • Make 20 with each other, then exchange throws with 'bad' hand.
In pairs. One declarer and one attacker.
Communicator stands under the basket, attacker stands in front of the basket.

  • The attacker runs wide left/right and gets the ball on the outside hand.
  • Try to catch and play back with one hand.
  • On the 4th pass the attacker is going to take a shot.
  • Swap after 2 turns.
  • Emphasis on solid passes, and acceleration after re-playing.
The goal of these drills is for threesomes/foursomes to keep moving at a steady pace and take turns taking a chance to score.
The shots come from all sides of the basket.
  • Scoring 40 through balls, the shooter catches the ball himself and 1 of the 2 others comes in for a chance. In case of a 4-pointer, the ball can be caught by another player.
  • Score 15 dodge balls. When the ball is caught, the third player immediately makes an evasive move and is played. Timing is important.
  • 20 distance shots from about 6-8 meters from the basket, again keep moving until you get the ball.
Finally, each player scores 5 penalty shots in a row. The others can stretch in that time if they want.
  • Set out a parcour of hats (= game board).
  • Per pair of players a pylon is needed (or a water bottle/shirt).
  • First exercise is the same for everyone, e.g. 20 balls. Then the game begins.
  • Dice is the number of hats ahead.
  • 1 through 5 are korfball drills, 6 = fitness task
  • If you land on the same pylon as another duo, you may give them an extra assignment.
  • Examples of korfball exercises:
    • walk-through balls
    • dodge
    • shots
    • penalty throw
    • 2 walk-through balls and then a penalty throw
    • pull-away balls
  • Examples of fitness exercises:
    • Squats
    • Push-ups (possibly on knees)
    • Jumping jacks
    • Lunges, first stepping out with the left, then with the right.
    • Burpees


The goal is to get the Frisbee to the other side, in the box behind the playing field, by means of free running.
The attacking side gets a point when a teammate catches the Frisbee behind the line.
The player who is holding the Frisbee is not allowed to run with the Frisbee.
The defenders may not defend directly against the player who is holding the Frisbee, but they may hit the Frisbee to the ground.
The Frisbee is then for the defending side.
Therefore, if the Frisbee does not reach a teammate, it is always for the opposing team.

  1. The game is played in two teams of 4 players.
  2. The offensive team starts with the Frisbee in their hands.
  3. By overplaying, the attacking side tries to catch the Frisbee behind the backline. Is there a catch? Then the attacking side has a point.
  4. The defending side can get possession of the Frisbee by hitting it on the ground when it is loose.
  5. The team that scores 3 points first wins.

Too hard? At some point you can also choose to play in a square, where the Frisbee no longer needs to be brought behind the playing field only, but all sides earn a point

  • The blue lady under the post passes a through ball to the front of the basket.
  • The red lady from the right catches the ball and hands it to the red lady from the opposite side.
  • Then the blue lady at the back of the pile intercepts and passes the ball to the first attacker.
  • In this exercise blue and red are walking the same line.
Which of these two teams will score first 25 x
drawing Through ball in + line
2 teams play a game
  • Instead of baskets you have to score by knocking over a cone.
  • This cone is in a circle where nobody is allowed to come.
Goal is to play together as attackers, and to intercept the ball as defenders.
drawing Skittles