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Volleyball drills

Goal: To knock over pawns

  • 5 Pawns upside down positioned side by side on pos 1 on both halves
  • Divide the playing field over the long way
  • 2 teams with one SV and one passer/attacker on each side and one server on the other side
  • serve to passer/attacker
  • pass to SV
  • SV setup
  • Attacker attacks on pos 1 towards the pawns and tries to knock them over.
  • The side that first knocks over the pawns wins.
  • Row of players on each side of the net (max 3 people)
  • 1st ball keys and then the
  • 2nd ball bra over the net.
  • You then tap the middle line/pion and join the back of the row again.
  • The same but then play underhand straight up, the next player catches and throws again.
  • try to serve 10 times right.
  • One error,
  • back to 0 points.
  • Who finishes first?
  • calmly 5 laps
    • warm up,
    • arms swinging,
    • walk sideways on back lines,
    • knees up.
  • 1 player near and with the back to the net.
  • One player on the 3-meter line. This player plays the ball overhand.
  • The player at the net tries to hit the ball as much as possible.

These exercises are done in pairs.

  • Exercise 1:
    • Person 1 stands with a ball near the net, person 2 stands to the left of the pole. Person 1 throws the ball to the left or right. Person 2 walks around the pole every time. 10 times per person.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Person 1 stands with a ball at net net, person 2 starts at the 3-meter line. Person 1 hits the ball and person 2 has to run backwards and play the ball to person 1 again. 10x per person.
  • Exercise 3:
    • Person 1 stands on the 3-meter line with a ball. Person 2 is going to block at the net and then turn around to play the short ball of person 1. 10x per person.
  • The team is lined up.
  • Center player makes block passes to the left to block the ´attack´ there.
  • The other players move to corresponding positions. Center player moves to the right to block with SV.
  • The other players move to the corresponding position in the court. Repeat this number of times in one move.
  • All one time at each position.


This exercise is fun to do and gives a lot of fun and competition! Relays in general already create competition.

What this exercise also wants to mimic is the stress factor that a serve brings.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same court. The first player of a team serves and retrieves his ball. After the next player is tapped, this one serves, and so on.

It is important for a player to serve quickly, but it must also be flawless, otherwise the ball must be retrieved and served again!

If the teams are small, it is fun to let everyone serve two or three times.


  • A minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams

Click here for the meaning of the symbols.

  • The trainer stands on a box at the other side of the net, and the players must try to block the ball one by one.
  • Step 1 is to explain when and why we block.
  • Round 1:
    • The trainer stands on the SV spot and the lln stand in a row in the middle. The ball is thrown to the trainer and the ball must be played to the trainer.
  • Round 2:
    • The trainer stands on the SV spot and the children stand in line in the middle. The ball is thrown to the trainer and the ball must be played to the trainer. The trainer gives a set-up and the ball is hit by the attacker outside. Good pass is to move to the attack. Bad pass is joining the back of the line after the ball is passed.
  • Round 3:
    • The trainer stands at the other side of the net, throws the ball to the attacker. Pass, set-up and attack. Good pass, set-up, bad pass is staying in the back of the line.
  • Round 4:
    • The trainer stands at the other side of the net, throws the ball on. Pass, set-up and attack. Good, move through, stay on the wrong side and the pass connects at the back. Only now the SV can choose left or right set-up. The one who attacked must then fetch the ball and close behind.
  • Getting the body and muscles ready for the work to be done.
  • For all the muscles, joints and body parts we need to play volleyball.
  • And of course physically and mentally

  • The trainer throws the ball from one side of the net onto the net edge.
  • From the other side of the net, the player must try to play the ball overhand into the hoop.
  • Catch up!