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Volleyball drills for technique general

2 groups of 2 persons - 1 group of 3
Group of 2: 1 ballGroup
of 3: 2 balls

Group of 2:

  • Player a stands at 3m
  • Player b does reception at 3m
  • Player a is going to catch reception

Group of 3:

  • Player a stands on 3m
  • Player b does reception at 3m other side
  • Player c catches ball

  1. Throw 20x
  2. 20x throw - throw further so player has to turn around
  3. 15x top spin
  4. 15x float stroke
  • Rotation exercise pass / attack
  • Same line-up on each side of the field.
  • Person 1 (position 2) has the ball and throws it to person 2 (position 5),
  • This person passes to the regular playmaker.
  • He plays the ball to position 4.
  • At position 5 a player is ready to handle the ball (real smash attempt).
  • All persons follow the ball, except the playmaker. (change after a while)
  • This happens on both sides.
  • Form 2 equal teams and play a game.
  • Depending on the number of players you can also play ping-pong.
  • Discuss this well in advance with each other.
  • 1 gives setup to 2,
  • 2 defends the ball and makes a technical move to 3
  • 3 defends on the ball she receives from person 2.
  • Person 3 then makes a technical move to person 2.
  • Person 2 defends and makes technical hit to 1. 1 defends and then makes technical hit to 2 again
    • The exercise starts again

  • Party form 6 against the rest.
    • variation with playmaker on 1 instead of 3
    • all attacks must end with a smash
    • obligatory to play 3 times, otherwise point to side.
  • (Pay attention to the way you walk, the other players in the field, where there is no ball).

Both playmakers and libero:

  • 1 sv stands at position 5. 1
  • Defender goes to position 2/3.
  • 1 player stands on position 4 (next to the basket) plays the ball to the libero
    • to position 2/3
    • set-up in the basket. after 10 balls distributors change.

  1. set-up forward both 2x
  2. set-up backwards both 2x
  3. libero set up forearms 20balls own choice forwards
  4. libero set-up forearms20 ballsbackwards. (other player will throw the ball).


  • will work with coach to dodge tap balls and defend hard attacks.

other half

  • Other players:
    • Make threes.
    • each trio 1ball.
    • lineup on the back line.
    • Number 1 has the ball.
    • Play the ball overhand backwards to number 2 and so on.
    • Number 1 follows in the back until you reach the net.
    • Then you start again.
    • 3x reach the net without dropping the ball.
    • 2. pass the ball underarm to each other in a triangle.


  • 5 against 4
  • 2 attackers and a playmaker, libero on position 5
  • other 4, 3 blockers 1 defender (coach)
  • games to 5

drawing spruce party
  • Divide the groups.
  • One group does the exercise, the other looks on and possibly collects balls.
  • Exercise lasts 3 minutes and then change groups.
    • First smash by trainer on 3/4, they bring the ball back with a good pass.
    • Smash by trainer on 3/4 and then position 1 catches the ball on position 3.
    • smash by trainer on 3/4 then position 1 plays the ball overhand from position 3 to 4. player from 5 catches the ball on 4.
  • 6 plays a full game.
  • Accents are
    • Move without the ball.
    • Basic position,
    • 2 types of playmaker.
      • from one, watch position player 2 and just with middle as playmaker.
  • 6 players on the field
  • Trainer or other player puts ball in play.
  • 6 players must pass, distribute and attack.
  • Play continues until a point is made.
  • 6 players are not allowed to play in the 3 meter zone.
  • After 5 points there is a change of players.
    • Because of first training, no extra tactical assignments.
  • Both sides set up a team, normal game line-up.
  • Trainer throws ball into the backfield, team defends and builds up attack, opponent idem, ball is introduced by trainer where mistake is made.
  • Quick switching, lasting rallies and no delays as a result of service.
  • Regularly turn at the indication of the coach.