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Volleyball drills for technique general

  • make 2 equal teams.
  • Each team has 1 ball on their own field
  • Trainer throws rally ball into field of a team
  • Team plays 3 times before ball goes to the other team
  • Player can have only 1 ball at the same time
  • If the ball is dropped or similar, the other team scores a point.


Basic exercise:

  • Trainer throws the ball, player catches the ball and puts it in the cart.
  • Then the player goes to the ladder, goes through it, and joins the next line. 


  1. Throw difficult balls (left and right, front and back).
  2. Play underhand for themselves and catch.
  3. Two players get ready next to each other and have to call let go.
  4. A setupper is added who has to catch the underhand ball.
  5. An attacker is added who has to play the setupper's ball over the net.


Divide over 3m line. Throw ball in zig-zag pattern and follow. See picture.
Later, play underhand, only overarm. One side of the net underhand, other side overarm.


Make 2 or 3 lines on the end line.
Goal: service has to be correct!! 

  • The first of each line serves the ball and picks it up again.
  • The next can only serve when tapped.
  • If the ball is served into the net, the ball has to be picked up and served again.

Which line has a 100% service score???

  • 5x push up (can also be done on knees)
  • planking (straight back) 3x with 15 sec. rest in between.
  • lie down on your back, cycle for 1 minute
  • 10x entire stomach exercise 

in pairs, practice fanatically


- 1, 2 and 3 start from end line
- sprint to middle line and back to the back field
-  C plays a ball in the back field
- 1, 2 and 3 build up an attack (pass, set-up and attack) 
- get the ball yourself.
- next trio


  • bring the ball into the game; S sets up to left forward
  • 1 diagonal  attack
  • all rotate one spot when ball is over the net
  • defend diagonal attack on set-upper
  • set up to left forward, attack diagonally; etc.


  • when rotating, quickly to starting position
  • all provide attack defense
  • right forward block put straight


this exercise teaches the players to play 'smart'. Just over the net, or in the back in the corners 

explanation is for 6 players

  • line 1 of 3 players with ball behind trainer
  • rij 2 of 2 players to attack at left forward
  • player from line 1 pushes ball in hands trainer, and player immediately walks to reserve position sv
  • Trainer throws ball up to centre forward
  • Play SV from centre forward the ball overarm on right or left forward (as setup)
  • sv walks immediatelyafter playing the ball to the line of attackers
  • there are 5 hoops on the other field
    • 1 in all corners of the field and 1 in the middle of the field
  • player comes in play ball in hoop
  • if this works SV AND PLAYER a point
  • get own ball, join line servers
  • in this exercise it is important to immediately walk on after  the action
  • play-overarm-in-hoops
  • Is allowed 3x for yourself
  • No bonus points for 3x playing
  • serve normally
  • half field
  • antenna in middle of the net
  • end line at around 3 m
  • this exercise teaches them to:
    • play smart, short, etc
    • properly assess in and out
    • on responsibility!
  • Go forward immediately after serving, otherwise the ball will be on the ground right over the net
  • train forward to move backwards, and immediately position after playing! Emphasize this
  • 2 players, each have their own ball
  • 1 of 2 players is the boss, the other follower (later reverse this)
  • You start simple and you can expand with various difficulties
  1. if the boss throws the ball with a bounce, the follower throws the ball on breast height to the bass
  2. if the boss throws the ball on breast height, the follower throws the ball with a bounce.
  3. More difficult: if the boss puts down the ball, the follower also puts down the ball, and both walk to the ball of the other, boss throws bounce or breast ball etc
  4. More difficult: if the boss throws the ball in a high arch, then:
    • the follower first throws his own ball in the air
    • catches the boss' ball
    • immediately throws it back
    • catches his own ball
  • after a while, change all bosses and followers
  • Both players have a ball
  • Start the exercise easy, build up according to level
  • 1 of 2 is the boss (change after a while)
  • the boss decides how he throws the ball to the other
  • with a bounce, the follower throws a breast ball
  • the boss throws a breast ball, the follower throws a bounce
  • make more difficult:
  • boss throws ball in high arch, follower first throws his own ball up high, catches ball boss, then catches own ball
  • puts ball on the ground, follower puts ball on the ground, and both run to each others ball, and boss quickly decides something
  • the idea is to make it hard for each other

make 2 or 3 rows of 2 benches after each other (lengthwise)

players walk in file on the benches in a slow tempo

oefening 1

  • with left leg on bench
  • bend left knee
  • bring right leg from back to front along bench
  • stretch left leg during this movement
  • same with right leg on bench

exercise 2

  • 1 leg on the bench, 1 leg on the ground
  • jump up
  • properly swing arms from your back to as high as possible
  • land in the jump with other leg on bench

exercise 3

  • both legs next to the bench (bench between legs)
  • jump on the bench with both legs
  • properly swing arms from your back to as high as possible in the jump
  • and step off the bench

exercise 4

  • both legs on one side of bench
  • jump with both legsON the bench
  • properly swing arms from your back to as high as possible in the jump
  • and step off the bench

exercise 5

  • both legs on one side of the bench
  • jump with both legs OVER the bench
  • properly swing arms from your back to as high as possible in the jump
