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Volleyball drills for technique passing / defense / reception


  • Make threes
  • Each trio one ball.
  • Player in the middle runs an 8 each time. Each time this player gets in the middle, a ball is thrown:
    • A throws (or plays overhand) the ball to B (in the middle).
    • B plays the ball back to A underhand and then runs around A until he is in the middle again.
    • A meanwhile passes the ball overhead to C.
    • C plays the ball overhand back to B.
    • B passes the ball back to C underhand and then runs around C until he is in the middle again.
    • Etc.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the player in the middle changes.


  • To make it easier, player A and C can also have them throw instead of playing overhand. This can be an underhand throw/catch or an overhand throw/catch.
  • To practice standing still while playing/catching, you can also let player B throw and catch underhand.
  • 2 rows of players behind the backline & 1 playmaker(SV) at the net
  • first of both rows lies on stomach
  • trainer stands at the other side of the net
  • hits the ball and throws the ball
  • players stand up and pass to SV
  • SV gives set-up to player who did not pass.
  • This attacker retrieves the ball and brings it back to the trainer.
  • After a while have the second player change with the first player.


  • Player A serves the ball to player C.
  • Player C passes the ball to player B.
  • Player B sets up the ball.
  • Player D attacks.

Goal: try to attack/play 3rd ball on the mats (straight or diagonal).

After each ball move one place in your own group.

Extension: When there are enough players, one could also choose to place a block.

  • Team in line up in field A. In field B 3 blockers and 3 serves.
  • Team B serves on team A who come to attack.
  • Blockers try to block. Time change.

The trainer stands on the other side with a ball locker

  • 3 players stand in the backfield
  • the coach throws (later on pass or attack) to the 3 players
  • the 3 players have to get the ball to the other side in 3 plays.


  • the 3rd ball (that goes over the net) has to be attacked (preferably with a jump)
  • for EVERY ball you must call it loose
  • every player has to hit the ball once
  • O1 throws/strikes aimed at P1 on the other side of the pitch
  • P1 pass to V1 who catches it
  • P1 becomes V1 becomes Or
  • O2 throws/strikes directed at O1
  • O2 pass to V2, who catches
  • O2 becomes V2
  • and so on


  • Throws ball to P
  • P pass to S
  • S setup for P
  • P attacks
  • pass except sv


Make pairs and per pair one hoop.

  • Play a 2x2 game.
  • The ball is thrown into the field,
  • The hoop is put on the ground by person 1 on the spot where the ball has to bounce.
  • The ball bounces in the hoop and person 2 has to pass the ball.
  • Person 1 finishes the game by passing the ball over the net.
  • Then it's the other side's turn and they do the same.

PURPOSE: Walking withthe ball and choosing the right position.

  • Three players on the back line.
  • At about one meter from the sidelines you put a pylon.
  • The other players stand around the field to pick up the balls.
  • The trainer at the net throws the balls into the field at a high speed.
  • It is up to the players to pass the balls back to the trainer, or at least to hit the ball.
  • Then the players join in again at the back, and so they keep running and looking at the ball.
  • The remaining players stand around the field to collect the balls played away and pass them back to the trainer.
  • Expansion:
  • Pawns further apart, throwing faster, hitting.
  • The field will be divided in two.
  • We play in two groups.
  • Per group you have a service-player and a reserve service-player, a playmaker, a striker, two reception-players and a reserve reception-player.
  • Servant and attacker stay in position for x-number of balls.
  • Service and reception players change places.
  • Storage-reception-pass-attack (players change position in their own group).
  • After 5 minutes there is a change of position.
  • 2 players each side of the net.
  • Player throws the ball over the net.
  • is passed to the distributor and
  • then set-up and
  • then quietly over the net.
  • Other side passes it back to the distributor and so on.
  • Extend this to a complete 3-meter attack.
  • ladder (different variants)
  • under the net, trainer throws the ball, player passes it to the net
  • player puts ball back in box, taps wall and rejoins row at ladder
