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Volleyball drills for technique serving

  • serve each side of the field.
  • The aim is to knock over all pawns. The side that succeeds first wins.
  • If you have an odd number of players, you put down the number of pawns that make up the team.
    • for example 4 for 5



The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same half of the game, with each team having a passer and a catcher on the opposite side.

  • The first player of a team serves.
  • After passing and catching, catcher throws the ball to the next server (or becomes a server himself).
  • Catch joins server, passer becomes catcher
  • etc

  • If emphasis is on service: wrong serve means again.
  • If emphasis is on passing: wrong pass means stay put (again).

If the teams are small, it is nice to have everyone serve two or three times.

  • Minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams

  • 1 person strikes out.
  • On the opposite side 3 defenders and one person in the middle to catch the ball.
  • Start from the back line. Ball must hit playmaker.
  • Teach them to stand still when taking the ball.


Serving on Mat


Players at one end of the field, at designated places a mat.



  • Players get 5 points.
  • Each service into the net subtracts one point.
  • Each service on the mat scores 1 point.
  • Each service on the ball pyramid (3 balls against each other and one on top) adds 3 points.
  • The first player to reach 10 points wins. If you have 0 points you are out and you have to pass on balls.
  • It is important to concentrate on the service and take your time.


  • Put two a players between the back mat, they may pass all balls that come next to the mat.
  • Pass these balls into the hands of the Trainer. (Passers get one point and the server one point deduction.
  • Who is first to reach the 10, the passers or the servers!

  • Each trio has a mat.
  • This can be placed anywhere in the field.
  • On the mat 5 wooden blocks are placed.
  • The opponents have to hit the mat with their serve.
  • When the mat is hit, a wooden block can be taken from the mat and placed on your own mat.
  • The first group to have no more blocks on the mat is the loser (or finished).

Per 2 players, 1 ball and 1 mat

  • Player A has the ball.
  • Player B holds the mat.
  • Player A stands in the correct position for underhand serve.
  • Player B slides the mat against player A.
  • Player A does an underhand serve.
  • Player A makes arm go straight.
  • The players take one ball each.
  • There are hoops all over the field.
  • The players pass from the back line.
  • The players try to pass the ball into the hoop.

  • Receptionists line up with 3 in the backfield.
  • From the other side there is a save, emphasis is on reception and attack, not difficult save.
  • Ball is played centrally to playmaker, pass goes to position 4 or 2.
  • After the attack move to the serve. First server replaces the player who took the reception.
  • Expansion :
    • Playmaker at the net in combination with opposit or central striker.
  • 2 teams serve each other calmly over the net (Overhand)
  • Distance can be increased when the ball goes over the net in a controlled way.
  • Throwing up is important, so concentrate!

  • After this serve on positions in the field where there is a mat.
  • Throwing up is important so concentration is necessary!


This exercise is fun to do and gives a lot of fun and competition! Relays in general already create competition.

What this exercise also wants to mimic is the stress factor that a serve brings.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same court. The first player of a team serves and retrieves his ball. After the next player is tapped, this one serves, and so on.

It is important for a player to serve quickly, but it must also be flawless, otherwise the ball must be retrieved and served again!


  • A minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams
  • Extension: extra points to earn by placing hoops in the field.

This exercise is fun to do and gives a lot of fun and competition! Relays in general already create competition.

What this exercise also wants to mimic is the stress factor that a serve brings.

  • The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same court.
  • The first player of a team serves and retrieves his ball.
  • After the next player is tapped, this one serves, and so on.

It is important for a player to serve quickly, but it must also be flawless, otherwise the ball must be retrieved and served again!

If the teams are small, it is fun to let everyone serve two or three times.


  • A minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams

Click here for the meaning of the symbols.

  • three defenders and one playmaker in the field
  • three (or more) players stand ready as reserves behind the backline (in front of the three field players)
  • rest: serve
  • one of the three fielders defends, passes to a random field player, other field players make attacking movement
  • only the fielder who has attacked moves up to serve
  • one of the reserve players fills the vacant fielder's spot