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Volleyball drills for technique setting / overarm technique

Goal: Libero training and defense

  • T plays in tempo the balls to SV. 
  • SV set-up (2nd tempo) to A (position 3) --> targeted attack to position 1 or to B (position 4) --> targeted attack to position 6.
  • L starts from pos 6 + defense to SV2

Extension 1 : After defense from L to SV, set-up to position 4 where C attacks (aimed) 

Extension 2 : L2 defended attack from C, C is going to catch ball. 

drawing Attack vs defence (Libero)

Purpose: peripheral view. 

  • C plays the ball to L. 
  • L plays the ball to pos 3/2 --> SV2
  • Meanwhile, B3 moves to pos 2 or 4. (draw. to 2)
  • SV2 setup to the pos. where there is only one block. 
  • C goes blocking 
  • A attacks.


  • T plays ball to SV1
  • SV1 setup to attacker where there are two blocks. 

Extension : field defense. 

drawing playmaker and block

Goal of the exercise is, the playmaker must try to make sure that on the other side of the net a double block can not be formed. 

  • T plays the balls at a high pace towards pos. 3.
  • SV walks in and gives set-up for -or backwards to fool the block. 
  • B tries to come to a drawbar block on attack.
  • SV passes around T after set-up. 
  • SV1 & 2 switch positions after each set-up. 

Expansion : 

  • Add field defense. (Liberos) 
  • B's play ball high back over to attacker passing towards pos 3/2
  • Exercise starts again from pass attacker. 
drawing Libero vs block

The goal of the core is, that the players can play the ball far overhead

  • The players face each other in pairs and play overhead
  • Hands well above the head, from the legs, body stretching and point towards the ball when releasing
  • The players stand further and further apart from each other.
  • Then we form two rows diagonally across the field and we play BH, chasing your ball

drawing Core 1  Overhead (kta)
  • Pass the ball overhead to each other in a snake-like figure
    • Two rows of players that face each other.
    • No. 1 plays the ball straight over and connects at the end of the snake.
    • Nr 2 plays the ball diagonally over and connects to the end of the snake and so on. 
  • Hang on as long as possible (field around!)? 
drawing Overhead snake

Divide "field" in 4 boxes. Exercise can be done with 2 persons at the same time, in which every player controls someone. The ball has to be played overarm, playing the ball high, and get to the other side like this.  ;

  • Divide the field in 4 boxes, playing the ball in every box at least 3 times.
  • Every player gets 2 turns, in which the best turn counts.
  • How far are you going to get

Directions for post holders

  1. Play up at least 3x per box: otherwise you cannot proceed to the next box
  2. The turn is over, when:
    1. the ball drops on the ground
    2. the player has both feet outside the box (1 foot outside the box is allowed!).
    3. the ball is not played high enough above the head (pay close attention!)
  3. Play at least 50 cm above the head.
  4. Every new turn start in the first box.
  5. The lines are part of the box (with regard to foot fouls outside the boxes).
  • You are in pairs bsp;
  • The one has a tennis ball, and the other a cone. 
  • One is holding the cone in a triangle and tries to catch the tennis ball thrown by the other. 
  • The catcher then tries to push the ball to the thrower. 
  • You do this 10x and then change. 
  • Also pay attention to leg work

The hands are positioned like this:

  • The circle is the cone. 
  • The point of the cone has to point to the nose of the kid. 
  • You need little cones.overarm-technique-1


This exercise can also be done as a game against a group on the other field!

  • There is a line of kids with a ball at a cone in the back of the field and 1 kid in the other field 
  • Kid 1 is going to the net while playing overarm with the ball (if the ball is dropped, start over)
  • around 1m from the net, you play the ball overarm over the net to the kid (x) standing there
  • the kid standing there has to pass the ball and catch himself (walks with the ball to the line of children)
  • kid 1 goes underneath the net and takes the place of kid (x)
  • kid 2 now goes to net overarm playing and plays the ball to kid 1
  • etc. etc.

(variation or harder)

  • there is a line of children with a ball at a cone in the back of the field and 1 kid in the other field 
  • Kid 1 is going to the net while playing overarm with the ball (if the ball is dropped, start over)
  • around 1m from the net, you play the ball overarm over the net to the kid (x) standing there
  • kid 1 quickly goes underneath the net and takes the mid forward position
  • the kid standing there (x) has to pass the ball and play to the mid forward who catches the ball and gives it to kid (x)
  • kid (x) walks with the ball to the line of children
  • kid 1 takes the position of kid (x)
  • Kid 2 now goes to the net while playing overarm with the ball and plays the ball to kid 1
  • etc. etc.
  • overarm and underhand
  • Line of players A  (+- 4 players) in the middle of the field with a ball
  • Player 1 is center forward, and is properly thrown to by first player from line A
  • Player 1 plays ball overarm in the basket
    • bend elbows
    • stretch elbows and point after ball 
  • Player at the basket catches and joins line A

With this exercise, younger children can practice overarm throwing.

  1. Give everybody a ball and have them show how they play overarm
  2. Is this not correct (for example, no pizza slice, or under the head), correct them, show how it has to be done.
  3. Have them throw against the wall, this provides lots of ball contact.
  4. Make pairs and have them throw over the net, to learn them to play high.
  5. Meanwhile, correct technique mistakes, but stay positive.
  6. Ask afterwards what they have learned, to make them think about it again.
  • every kid takes a ball and stands as close to the wall as possible. 
    • Try to play the ball against the wall as often (and as fast) as possible
  • per pair 1 ball. 
    • The one person (1) keeps the ball in front of him with stretched arms 
    • the other stands before him, 
    • bends the knees 
    • and tries to play the ball out of the hands of person 1
  • someone is one the chest with a hoop 
    • the sv receives the ball from the back field. 
    • Then play the ball overarm through the hoop

To make sure that players learn to play in a rhythm, the ball has to be under way for 2 seconds each time (21-22). 

  • All players will try to play synchronously at the same time.
  • This starts with overarm.
  • The next form is that the player in the back field is going to play underhand and the player on the net overarm.
  • In this way it can be extended.

he most important thing is that the players keep the ball in the air for 2 counts.