Volleyball drills
Working in pairs:
- throw up left/right
- throwing over from the neck, with and without bounce
- over smashing with bounce
- over smash with defense
- 1x own and then play
- 1x own and then smash
- try underhand crossover play:
- group 1. plays up and down and group 2/3. plays crossed
- group 3 plays up and down and group 1/2. plays crossed
- group 2 plays up and down and group 1/3. plays crossed
3 vs 3 game 2-touch.
- must play 2x
- underhand, overhand, no smash
- not in the 3 meter.
as fast as possible the hoops from front to back and back to front.
as fast as possible the hoops from front to back and back to front.
- 10 pylons
- 16 hoops
- Create two rows of pylons with enough space between them for one player to lie on their back.
- Place 8 hoops around the first pylon of each row.
- The first player grabs the first hoop and places it behind them over the next pylon.
- The next player grabs the hoop and places it behind them again until all the hoops are placed around the back pylon.
- The team that first puts all the hoops around the back pylon wins.

Conditional pass:
- player1 moves in front of the other players.
- players throw ball in different variation
- player 1 plays the balls back for at least 1 minute, with a side step, and staying low
- throwing in underhand
- overhand throwing
- 1 player is striker
- 1 player is setter
- rest is passer
- Field A and B
- Players at P1, P6 and P4.
- 3x reserve at P1
- Field B. Trainer with ball pit
- Trainer throws/strikes ball at P6 and P4
- Pass-setup overhand to P1
- There idem: pass-setup overhand to P1
- Running: Attack to reserve
- To P1 to P6 to P4

- 3 servers/blockers on field B
- Serve on 3 passers on field A
- Block on p2 and p3
- Serve and passers come to attack on P4
- Server goes to defend
- Divide group into 2, each on a side.
- On one side the team will pass and on the other side will serve
- Serve alternately to win
- Every ball that is both passed and caught is 1 point
- Then switch
Extra: a ball that can be caught on P2/3 is 2 points
- 2 players with ball on field B
- 1 playmaker at position 2/3 on field A
- 2 passers on field A at 5 meters from the net
- 1 attacker on 3 meter line
- The rest in line along left sideline
- Player on field B passes ball to passer on field A
- The pass is followed by a setup on 4 that is attacked by player standing by
- blocking at position 2
- blocking on positions 2 and 3
- defense on position 5

On the ball and without the ball.
- throw over 2 hands
- throw over 1 hand left/right alternately
- throw over with bounce
- smash with bounce
- smash with bounce, do not catch but play 1 x OH
- overtake underhand, pay attention to position
- play underhand, touch ground, stay low
- one player smashed, other plays OH back, after the play touch the ground and return low.
- one player smashed, other defends and plays to himself, the smasher taps ground and goes back low to defend
On the ball and without the ball.
- throw over 2 hands
- throw over 1 hand left/right alternately
- throw over with bounce
- smash with bounce
- smash with bounce, do not catch but play 1 x OH
- overtake underhand, pay attention to position
- play underhand, touch ground, stay low
- one player smashed, other plays OH back, after the play touch the ground and return low.
- one player smashed, other defends and plays to himself, the smasher taps ground and goes back low to defend
- 2 triplets in the field.
- On 1 side are 2 reserve players and on the other side 1.
- Trainer with ball cart at the side.
- Trainer brings the ball in to the team with 2 reserves.
- Play OH only and pass through.
- A reserve player takes the place of the one playing ball over the net.
- This one now goes on a run to the other court as a reserve.
- At foul ball again a ball by trainer.
- Begin with 2 playing with each other and later against each other.
- Keep the balls behind the 3m-line.

- Trainer plays the ball from other field
- 2 players defending
- Play balls in the corners or in the middle to force movement to the ball
- 2 good passes, then attack. Depending on position
- Pass must be processed to attack center or outside

- 1 vs. 1 with mat in between. Throwing the ball over via the mat. Do not run with the ball.
- Variation: try to throw in such a way that the ball cannot be caught
- Variation: hit the ball through the mat.
- Variation: 2 against 2: 1 person hitting, other ball passing.
- Variation: 2 balls. 1 ball throw over, other play through the mat