

Welcome to the handball section of Yoursportplanner. Proper training, drills, dedication and fun are the key to success. Currently we offer 953 handball drills and there are 8 handball workouts created by handball coaches.

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    • Blue throws the ball to the goalie and runs to the pylon.
    • Keeper catches the ball and throws a break out on the running blue player.
    • If goalkeeper cannot throw a break, throw ball to MA. This one throws BO.
    • Blue takes the ball and tries to finish from the 9 yards.
    • Optionally, put a defender around the 9 to defend.
    drawing Breakout
    • 5 attackers and 3 defenders
    • The ball starts at the left corner which puts pressure and from there the pressure continues.
    • The defenders make considerable contact with the attackers by pushing the hands on the shoulders/ hip.
    • The attackers pass in time and keep the ball high.
    • When there is not enough defense, the attacker continues.
    • Eventually the corner rounds the corner.
    • Then the ball goes from the other corner and pressure is played.
    drawing Playing pressure, rounding corner
    • 5-1 defense with rubber bands sliding together on the circle.
    • Corner dares to release when the ball is on the other side of the field.
    • Then without rubber bands and make contact through the 9.
    drawing Defending, cooperating and applying offensive pressure
  • At the back line, place a bin of balls.
    • The players start with a ball in their hand and run to the two hats closest to the net.
    • They stand still between the hats and try to throw the ball into the bucket from there.
    • Successful. Then they run back to the ball pit. Grab a new ball and run to the two hats in the middle to throw the ball into the bucket again from there.
    • Failed. Then they run back to the ball pit. New ball and try again on that level.
    • The one who completes the three levels first wins.
    • Play ball under pressure from defender.
    • Variation in coverage forms:
      • Getting out or not, press on the ball.
    • Offering or not offering the ball-running route
    • All positions of the defender require adjustment of the attacker.
    drawing Playback under pressure
    • Play ball under pressure from defender.
    • Variation in coverage forms:
      • Getting out or not, press on the ball.
    • Offering or not offering the ball-running route
    • All positions of the defender require adjustment of the attacker.
    drawing Playback under pressure
    • Scott training obv 2 switch
    • Finishing inside or outside
    1: Red switches from inside to outside. Finish inside.
    2: Blue changes from outside to inside. Round off outside.
    3: Pilon on drawing to indicate position. Not used during practice.
    4: Exercise also leads to goalkeeper changing position.
    drawing Free shot exercise
    • Make 2 teams of 2 people
    • 1 trainer in the middle who passes the ball.

    • 2 players run to the sideline and become defenders.
    • The other 2 run at the pawn and receive the ball and go out on the break.
    drawing Break walking with 2-pairs
    • 1 corner
    • 1 builder
    • 1 center

    • Builder has the ball and plays to the middle.
    • The middle crosses.
    • Builder rounds with a jump shot high.
    • Then the next builder plays to the middle.
    • The middle presses, the builder presses and plays the corner with a bounce shot.
    • The corner rounds.
    • The same builder stays put and now rounds.
    drawing Rounding corner and builders
    • Running around.
    • Playing ball to each other.
    • In high tempo.
    • Every 5th ball goes through the player in the middle.
    drawing Running in circles
As an enthusiastic coach and passionate handball trainer, you'll find the ultimate resource for training exercises, tactical insights and tools to create effective workouts. Whether you work with youth or adults, beginners or experienced players, Yoursportplanner will provide you with all the information and tools you need to achieve your goals in the sport you love so much. Don't hesitate and proceed quickly to put together your handball workouts and improve the performance of your handball team.

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