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Memberships of Yoursportplanner

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  No account Trial YSP One YSP One YSP Club
Start rate - Free From $ 2,91 per month From $ 2,91 per month
Number of teams in account - - 1 team 1 team
Rate per additional team - - $ 0,60 per team per month $ 0,60 per team per month
Rate per additional trainer - - $ 0,60 per trainer per month $ 0,60 per trainer per month
Free trial (no strings attached) - 1 month - 1 month
Advertisements No ads for account owner No ads for the staff members
View exisiting drills
Create training sessions -
Use exisiting drills -
Add your own drills -
Pdf of training sessions -
Add your own (sub)technics -
Add your own materials -
Add team(s) -
Who drives when? (driving schedule) -
Games -
Track player attendance -
Calendar (games, training sessions etc) -
Team dashboard -
Multiple users -
Multiple user roles -
Q&A -
Several teams - -
Club dashboard - - -
Share training sessios within the club - - -
Oefeningen delen binnen de club - - -
Learning lines - -
Player Tracking system (optional & in development) - -
Field reservations system (optional) - - - $ 15,- per field per season (min. 4 fields)
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