Clear and easy. For individual trainers as well as for clubs.
Yoursportplanner is a tool that allows you to easily create and save trainings, search for exercises or create your own. You can create a team and it offers various tools for organizing your team.
Yoursportplanner is a tool that allows you to create and manage workouts, search for exercises or create your own, and various tools for organizing around your team.
Search all exercises and select your favorites. Every week new exercises created by you and shared by other trainers.
Create your own workouts. Add existing or new exercises. Adjust the order and plan how many minutes you want to spend on an exercise.
Create your own exercises and use them directly in your next workout. Use our handy drawing tool to clarify your exercise.
Search through all the workouts you have created yourself or shared by other trainers.
Create one or more teams. Add your players. Create your schedule and communicate with each other through Yoursportplanner.
Keep track of player attendance and easily complete your training in our convenient mobile app. Suitable for iOS and Android.
Yoursportplanner is a tool that allows you to create and manage workouts, search for exercises or create your own, and various tools for organizing around your team.
You can subscribe for different periods. You can also choose how many teams and trainers you want to add. By default you get one team and one trainer with a subscription.