Basketball drill: high dribble

Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling

High dribble

  • In the speed dribble, the upper body makes an angle of less than 90 degrees with the ground.
  • This is highly dependent on the speed at which the dribble is performed. The higher the speed, the smaller the angle.
  • The dribbling arm is directed more forward due to the speed.
  • The dribble is between hip and chest height; the ball is pushed powerfully to the ground and lands next to the shoulder axis in front of the feet.
  • If there are no defenders around, the free arm has a balancing function
  • If this is not the case, the dribbler will initially try to increase his speed in order to shake off the defender
  • If this does not work, he can use his free arm to prevent the opponent from taking the ball.
  • Obviously, this will be at the expense of speed.
  • The walking speed must be in accordance with the dribbler's level; walking and dribbling must not hinder each other.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: