Handball drill: footwork in completion

Suitable for the following techniques: attack

Footwork in completion

In this exercise we improve our footwork while pressing and in the completion.On the LO there are 3 pawns at the point to the back. The 2 front pawns stand at the 9 meter mark. One touch point stand past the right pawn in the middle.
  • Players pass to the attacking point and run without the ball towards the left pawn, in the forward movement they get the ball, in the backward movement they play it back.
  • Players walk back to the back pawn and pass again, this time to the front right pawn.
  • Repeat this 2x, at the last time at the right pawn the players finish.
On the RO there is the following lineup:handbal-oefening-Voetenwerk-in-de-afronding.webp 12.54 KBPlayers throw to a point of contact on the left side of the exercise and turn on the right side next to the posts. Run half round back to back, get the ball and complete by jumping over the hurdle.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: