Basketball drills
- Starting lineup:
- Use an entire field
- 1 player near the center line (left)
- 1 player at the center line (right)
- Group of players in line with the free throw line (one side of the court)
- Group of players at the extension of the free throw line (other side terrain)
- Progression:
- Players at the center line start their lay-up
- After the lay-up, they take their own rebound and give an outlet pass to the waiting player on the sideline
- Then they join the sideline, at the level of the free throw line
- Lay-up, bob cousy, power lay-up, lay-back, jump stop
- Progression:
- Change of direction at the level of the three-point line
- Crossover, behind the back, reverse dribble at the center line
- Coach defends, attacker adjusts
- Stepping towards the ball instead of running forward
- Retrieve ball in the middle and from there dribble and lay-up through the middle
- Add 2 players defending passively at the three-point line
- Add 2 players actively defending at the three-point line
- 2 players defending actively
- Regression:
- Taking shot instead of lay-up
- Starting lineup:
- 1 player stands ready to take the free throw
- 1 player on the left is ready to take the rebound
- 1 player on the right stands ready to take the rebound
- Other players join left and right
- Course:
- Player 1 takes the free throw
- If player 1 scores, he stands and shoots again
- If player 1 misses, then players on the left and right fight for the rebound
- After taking the rebound, the game is played 1 against 1
- The player who scores takes a free throw next
- The player who missed the free throw connects left or right
- The player who did not take the rebound connects on the other side
- Whoever has 10 scores first wins
- Progression:
- Only 1 dribble may be set after the rebound
- Three-point shot
- Starting lineup:
- 1 player in the right corner
- 2 players right on the center line, each with a ball
- 2 players left on the center line, each with a ball
- Progression:
- Player 1 dribbles to the three-point line
- Player 1 does a give and go with the player 2 in the corner
- Player 1 runs through to the bottom left corner after his layup
- Player 2 takes the rebound and connects at the top right corner
- Player 3 dribbles to the three-point line
- Player 3 does a give and go with player 1 who is now there in the left corner
- Player 3 runs through to the bottom right corner after his layup
- Player 1 takes the rebound and connects at the top left corner
- Progression:
- Jumpstop instead of lay-up
- Lay-back
- 2 teams.
- Half court
- Ball is in the middle of the Bucket.
- The defenders stand with their heels on the edge of the Bucket and the attackers stand behind the three-point line.
- When the coach calls "Go," the defenders provide good close out and the attackers go out of their way to get the ball.
- If the attackers manage to grab the ball within 5 seconds the defending side must do 5 push ups.
- After 5 turns of attack/defense.
- Run layups from the baseline.
- One side catches the ball and the other side makes a layup.
- Different variations over left and right:
- Standard Lay-up over left and right.
- Lay-up with pass over left and right.
- Power lay-up over left and right.
- Get under the board and finish over left and right.
- Catch and Shoot.
All variations 15 hit over each side.
- Player 1 with ball Passes ball to Player 2 and
- Takes place of Player 2
- Player 2 dribbles towards cone a
- Player 3 runs towards cone a
- As soon as pass is possible Player 2 hands ball off to player 3
- Player 2 takes the place of player 3
- Player 3 dribbles toward cone b and passes to player 4 when possible
- Player 4 asks for the ball under the goal and finishes
- Player 3 takes the place of player 4
- Player 4 goes down the sideline to player 1's line past the hats with slalom dribble
- The players of the offensive side all make a board pass.
- The last one gives an outlet pass to the pointgeard.
- There are 3 defenders on the attacking side.
- 2 defenders stand on the sideline near the center line, as soon as the last attacker crosses the center line they may join the defense.
- If the attacking team scores, the defending team makes board passes and attacks.
- If the attacking side does not score then 10 push ups for the attacking side.
- Starting lineup:
- Everyone has a ball
- Everyone stands back to back at elbow level
- Maximum of 4 players per group
- Progression:
- The first player shoots from the right elbow
- The player takes his own rebound and runs to the right elbow
- The other players shoot one after the other
- The first player shoots from the left elbow
- ALWAYS spin-the-ball first before shooting
- Progression:
- Coach calls the next position (always left and right mirrored)
- Three-pointers
- With pass back to coach
- Regression:
- With 2 instead of 4 players
- Starting lineup:
- Per 2 players 1 ball
- 1 player is ready to shoot
- 1 player is ready to rebound
- Players divide among all available goals
- Sequence:
- 1 player moves around the bucket and shoots
- The rebounder has to finish if the other player misses
- The rebounder then passes back to the other player
- Each player takes 20 shots and counts how many he scores
- Progression:
- More shots
- Regression:
- Fewer shots
- Rebounding without finishing
Divide the group into 2 teams.
- Tell the story that it is autumn and the nuts are falling from the trees.
- We are a group of squirrels and we need to gather as many nuts as we can to survive the winter. The team with the most nuts wins.
- The coach scatters the nuts (can be ping pong balls, tennis balls or other small balls).
- On the coach's signal, all players may start collecting nuts all dribbling.
- They may bring one nut at a time to their nest.
- When all the nuts are collected, we count the nuts per team and the team with the most nuts wins.
- The chaos forces the little players to look around and not at the ball when they are dribbling.
- dribbling with weak hand
Tag game - ideal as a warm-up for players U8 - U10
- 1 Ticker (the bird of prey)
- The others are little birds
- The little birds start on the sideline and must dribble over to the other sideline.
- They must not be tapped by the big bird of prey.
- If they are tapped, they become a fowler.
- At the spot where they are tapped, they put the ball between their feet and become additional, stationary tickers.
- The winner is the last player who is not tapped. This one can become the new bird of prey in the next game.
- Dribbling with the weak hand only
- Predator with a ball
Dribbling exercise with overdribbling from sideline to sideline.
- Dribbling strength hand with ball at hip level. Note: hand above the ball, pushing on the ball (not hitting), all fingers touching the ball
- Dribble strong hand at knee level. Note: back straight! do not walk bent over but bend at the knees
- Dribble with strong hand to eye level. Note: hand remains above the ball, push well on the ball
- Roll ball to the opposite side. Note: under control, ball not too far from hand, touch ball with fingertips
- same exercise but with weak hand
- Perform at a higher speed