Korfball drill: match format

Suitable for the following techniques: general

Match format

  • The game is played on 1 basket, in the middle of a half court.
    • 3 against 3 or 4 against 4
  • When the ball is intercepted, it must first be worked towards one of the corners (in possession of the ball, 1 foot in the corner).
    • When working out, a shot may not be made all of a sudden, but at least one ball must be passed through first.
    • When the ball has gone outside, a foul is committed by the attacking team, or when the team resumes play after a goal, the ball does not have to be worked out but the position changes automatically.
  • When a goal is scored from one of the corners, it counts for 2p. Every other goal counts for 1p.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: