Korfball drill: passing ball under resistance

Suitable for the following techniques: passing

Passing ball under resistance

The exercise is performed with 3 or 4 players per basket. There is an attacker in front, a defender next to him or her, and a declarer and possibly a receiver under the basket. The ball is under the basket with the attacker, the exercise must be set up wide, so that the attacker has the space to perform the exercise. The defender is instructed to start at arm's length (can touch the attacker's shoulder). The attacker makes a wide move to the left or right, and receives the ball. The attacker plays the ball again to the attacker, and starts his action to the basket. The defender's task is to hold back the attacker with one hand, thus creating resistance for the attacker. The attacker will therefore have to continue to the basket, even if he gets resistance from the defender. At about 4 metres from the basket, the defender lets go and the attacker has to finish the ball. The attacker is not allowed to continue until a goal is scored, which makes him aware that he still has to complete the ball, despite the contact and a possible penalty throw.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: