Korfball drill: rats and ravens

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Rats and ravens

In short:start and sprint game.

Organisation:Pairs on either side of a line in the middle of the hall. The numbers 1, standing slightly left of the line, are the rats and the numbers 2, standing half a metre right of the line, are the ravens. Between the rats and the ravens there is a space of 1 meter. The trainer now calls continuously 'rats' or 'ravens' in random order. When 'rats' is called, the rats run as fast as possible to their side of the room. The ravens must then try to tap the rats.

* Who has their personal opponent tapped the most times?


To keep it exciting, roll the 'r' for a good long time or make it a short story.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: