Korfball drills for technique warming-up
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
- 3 groups at pawns
- Run to the hoop
- Through there, through to pawns
- walk across footbridge
- jumping over stick
- Finally shoot (2 attempts)
- Whoever scores 5 times first (collect pawns)
- One ball per pair/three.
- Players throw across until they reach a pole.
- At the pole, both players may shoot once.
- Then they must again throw over to another pole.
- All groups just go right through each other.
- Whichever two/three has 15 goals (optional) first.
With a 3 at a post.
Player 1 stands under the post with ball.
Player 2 starts the exercise, after player 2 has done the exercise switches with the pointer.
Player 3 starts the exercise etc..
For this exercise we need 4 hats, a post, ball and the rope ladder.
Player 1 stands under the post with ball.
Player 2 starts the exercise, after player 2 has done the exercise switches with the pointer.
Player 3 starts the exercise etc..
For this exercise we need 4 hats, a post, ball and the rope ladder.
- Short passes through the rope ladder, then continue to the first hat.
- The movement is to the left but the first 3 hops are with your right leg. the hop from hat 3 to 4 is landing on your left leg.
- Then you move back with your left leg. the last hop is to land on the right leg then sprint to the pole for a through ball.

- Players start on the back line in 1 row.
- Each line is numbered from 1 to 7.
- I call a number each time and they have to sprint to it.
- Vary between forwards and backwards.

- 1 declarer throws the ball to the person in front of the basket
- He then takes a shot
- If the ball is caught under the basket, he goes inside and takes a through ball
- Finally, he then takes a short chance
- Exchange by.
- The person who aimed goes to indicate.
- The declarer closes in behind.
- Point count:
- Shot counts 2x
- Walk through counts 1x
- Short chance counts 1x
- You can play this as follows e.g. who reaches the 20 first
- Or 1 minute and then see who has the most points per basket
- Divide the group into pairs. Each pair has a ball and a basket with four hats.
- Plot the field as shown in the drawing.
- Player 1 starts at the hat in front of the basket, player 2 is the give-up.
- Player 1 starts with a broadside and then tightly sets up for the through ball.
- After the through ball, player 1 keeps moving close to the basket for a short chance.
- Finally, player 1 makes a deep line for the shot.
- After this, player 1 alternates with player 2.
To make it competitive, you can tie points to the different goals.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.
Through-ball and short chance count for 1, the distance shot for 2. Three chances hit in one turn gives 5 points. Not scoring is 1 point deduction. Who scores 25 points first and which post has both players with 25 points first.

- 4-team at a box which is marked out with 4 pawns
- The ball is played back and forth at the front pawns
- Players keep moving
- Players cross each other

Goal is to put 3 in a row.
- Make 2 teams
- From each team, 1 player runs with a colored hat and places it in a hoop
- When the first player returns the 2nd player of the team starts, then the 3rd.
- When there is 1 hat of each color the 4th player may move a colored hat to get 3 in a row.
- 1 person is the ticker
- The ticker is going to try to tickle as many people as possible, ticked? Then hold each other's hands until the pendulum is very long!
Red dots are the tickers. They are not allowed to let go of each other. The blue dots are the people who have yet to be tapped.

- 2 poles facing each other (each at 7 meters from the center line 4 poles side by side ).
- Each post has its own 2/3 team.
- The 2 players going for a through ball run towards the other pole.
- In the middle they run around the pylon (or around the center line).
- The players sprint back to their own post and take a through ball 40x scoring
- Instead of a through ball a pull away ball behind the post. 20x scoring
- instead of a through ball you take an away ball at max 3 m from the post 20x scoring
- instead of a through ball you pass the post and get the ball in front of you and shoot from the back 20x score
2 teams play a game.
- Instead of baskets, you must score by throwing at a cone.
- This cone is in the center of the circle and around it are players.
- One player stands in front of the pawn to protect it.
- The players around this one player must try, by passing the ball quickly around, to throw at the pawn.
- Meanwhile, the player in front of the pawn tries to intercept the ball and defend the pawn.
- When the ball is intercepted, he/she gets a point and the ball goes back to the outside.
- Switching: when the pawn is hit, the player gets a point and switches places with the player in the middle.
- Whoever has the most points wins.
Goal: Playing together as attackers and intercepting the ball as defenders.
- Make throw-overs more difficult: two in the middle, throw with left.
- Making overthrowers easier: With two balls.