Volleyball drill: attack at position 4

Suitable for the following techniques: attack

Attack at position 4

Attack on outside on two fields. Players pay attention to their run and arms. Then attack on the middle.

Player 1 is behind the end line and is reserve. Player 2 is in the middle of the field. Player 3 is on position 2-3. Player 4 is attacker left forward. Players 5-8 are in the other field left forward, all with a ball.The first of the line (player 5 in this case) throws the ball to the middle of the other field. After throwing, he walks to the end line of the other field . 

  • Player 3 passes the ball to player 3 and follows his ball.
  • Player 3 gives a set up to left forward position.
  • Player 4 smashes the ball over the net, picks up the ball and join the back of the line.
  • And it starts at the beginning. The next ball can be thrown when the set up has been given.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: