Volleyball drill: defense exercises per 2-team

Suitable for the following techniques: defense

Defense exercises per 2-team

In pairs A and B. Defensive exercises.
  1. Left 3 steps - Right 3 steps - hit ground in split. 10 x then change.
  2. Shuffle diagonally back - ball hitting ground , sprint diagonally forward. 10 x then switch.
  3. A has ball and quickly throws left-right to B. This throws back immediately and shuffles to the side. 10 x then exchange.
  4. A throws ball to B shuffles back from left-right and throws back. 10 x then change.
  5. Exercise 3 but with playing back OH. 10 x then switch.
  6. Exercise 4 but then with return play OH. 10 x then switch.
Organization: A with ball at net / B at 3 meters and moves to 6 meters. 7 . A throws ball up, B shuffles to back, B stops in split, touches ground and as A keys ball BH tight to B, does defense back to A . 10 x then switch. 8. A tips ball to B, B plays high to A, A does intermediate key, B shuffles to back as A tightly keys to B, B does defense back to A. 10 x then switch. Same as 7 but now attack. 10. Same as 8 but A now attacks.Organization: A at net / B with ball at back line. 11. B throws ball high to A and runs to 3 meters and takes defensive position -ground tapping. A tips ball, B defends ball to A, and runs to back line, A tips ball to B who catches. 12. B throws ball high to A, runs to the 3 meters, gets tip ball, plays back to A, A does interjection, B shuffles backwards, A attacks. 13. B throws ball to A , runs to 3 meters and gets tip ball, plays high back to A, A can now choose, new tip ball or TT and attack backwards. Organization: A at the net with the ball / B at the back line, facing the wall.14. A calls name and throws up for attack, B turns around and defends the ball, then like exercise 13. A may choose.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: