Volleyball drill: hats touching, backwards

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Hats touching, backwards

  • Two rows of pawns, about 3 meters between rows, one pawn every 1.5m.
  • Total 8 per row. Players divide into 2 groups and 2 rows,
  • 1 line at each row of pawns (possibly 2 extra lines if the group is big).

  1. Run along the right side of the row, backwards over the left. 3x
  2. Lift your knees to the front, calmly run back 2x
  3. Heels/buttons out, calmly back, 2x
  4. Skater's stride out, slowly back 2x
  5. Sideways out, sideways back, keeping face the same direction 2x
  6. Cross pass inwards and backwards, keeping face in the same direction 2x
  7. 2 pawns in front, 1 back at high speed 2x
  8. Sprint from pawn to pawn, circle each pawn in short strides.

Group together, 1 row at the right-hand side of the pawns.

  1. Move sideways between the pawns, touching each pawn 2x

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels:
9 year
10 year
11 year