Volleyball drill: keep balloon high

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Keep balloon high

  • Kids keep the balloon up and have to listen to the trainer. If the trainer claps 1x, the kids have to hit the balloon with the right hand (left foot forward, other hand is pointing). Clapping 2x hit left hand (right foot forward, other hand pointing)
  • Kids are randomly walking over the field. When the trainer calls, they have to find a friend as fast as possible. They stand 4 steps away of each other, and calmly hit the balloon to each other (correct foot forward, pointing). This is how the kids change balloons. Balloon is caught overarm or underhand.
    • Idem but with regular ball. They do not hit straight, but to the ground (wrist hit). Catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air and catch overarm
      • Idem but pluck from the air, control, and throw back to the other (kids each have their own ball)

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels:
8 year