Volleyball drill: service-estafette

Suitable for the following techniques: serving


This exercise is fun to do and gives a lot of fun and competition! Relays in general already create competition.

What this exercise also wants to mimic is the stress factor that a serve brings.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up on the serving area of the same court. The first player of a team serves and retrieves his ball. After the next player has been tapped, this one serves and so on.

Only when the ball lands on 1 of the 4 mats the point is counted. It is not allowed to hit the same mat twice in a row. The team that hits the mat first, a multiple of 3 of the number of players in the team, wins.

It is important for a player to serve quickly, but it must also be flawless, otherwise the ball must be retrieved and served again!

If the teams are small, it is fun to have everyone serve two or three times.


  • A minimum of 6 players
  • As many balls as there are teams

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: