Volleyball drill: warming up

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Warming up

Line walk around the field.

Players stand divided on the long side line of the field and start with a quiet run around the field. After 3 laps of quiet running in, they each get an assignment. They carry out the assignment on the short sides of the field and walk on the long sideline at a steady pace.

  1. connecting pass, sideways
  2. cross pass
  3. knee lift
  4. Heels - buttocks
  5. Turn right arm forward
  6. Left arm forward
  7. right arm backwards
  8. backward left arm
  9. sideways shuffle
  10. attack passes and smash move

Ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, neck, wrists loosen up

Abdominal exercises: 1 minute per part

  • Sit-ups, quickly up, hold for a moment and then slowly back down
  • right elbow up to left knee and vice versa at a very slow pace
  • with ball from left to right
  • with ball from feet to head
  • planking on hands, ball under you from left to right
  • mountainclimbers
  • hip cross over
  • scorpion

Throwing in on 2 fields with 4-5 players per field.

Symmetrical throw with both hands, throw into the hands of the player and stand still before throwing.

  • Throw from the neck high ball
  • throw from the neck tight ball
  • throw with punch from chest high ball
  • throw with a punch from the chest tight ball
  • throw with right
  • throw with left
  • throw with bounce
  • Overhead play
  • Underhand
  • One side overhand, other side underhand
  • Free play to each other

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: