Korfball drill: hurdles exercise for stability of ankles and developing speed

Suitable for the following techniques: condition , strength

Hurdles exercise for stability of ankles and developing speed

5 hurdles about 5 meters from the wall and 50 cm apart.
  1. Stand in front of the hurdle facing the hurdles and with knees slightly bent, go sideways through the hurdles 2x counterclockwise and 2x clockwise
  2. Stand sideways in front of the hurdle, jump over the hurdle and accelerate to the wall. Accelerate on the jump leg. 2x counterclockwise and 2x clockwise
  3. Jump over the hurdle, pull your knees up as high as possible and when coming down jump immediately. Everything on the front feet.  2x
  4. Hop over the hurdle, stand still for a moment and jump to the next hurdle.  2x left and 2x right
  5. Find balance. Walk over a line and tap the ground behind the hurdle with the toes of the outer foot. 2x left and 2x right

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: