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Korfball drills for technique strength / condition

  • This exercise is designed to let the players choose for themselves what they want to improve on.
  • Which (improvement) goal, which they have set for themselves, do they want to improve here.
  • As a trainer you can steer this by guiding the choice.
  • For example: the exercise must have something to do with passing/shooting/attacking/looking etc.
  • You will do this task in pairs.
  • Use a basket for each pair.
  • Put 4 hats around the basket in a square about 1.5 meters from the basket. (the basket is in the middle)
  • Stand in between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • Shoot to score.
  • The person under the basket names a colour and you tap on that colour.
  • Go back between the 2 hats in front of the basket.
  • If you have scored, you don't have to run to a colour.
  • Do this until someone has scored 5.
drawing colours colours colours A
  • Side plank:
    • Support on stretched arm or elbow, other arm points up.
    • Rotate torso and twist upper arm under the armpit, turn back and move arm up again.
    • 5x on left arm, 5x on right arm
  • Superwoman:
    • While lying down, move your right arm stretched forward and at the same time lift your left leg off the ground.
    • Hold this for 3 seconds and then switch legs and arms.
    • Try not to sink sideways or turn your pelvis.
    • 5x left and 5x right
  • The worm:
    • You stand and bring your hands in front of your feet on the ground.
    • Hold for 3 seconds, then you move your hands one step forward, also hold for 3 seconds, finally you come to a lying position and you hold that for 3 seconds as well.
    • Then you return to the starting position in two steps, each step holding for 3 seconds.
    • Do this 5 times.
  • Hopping on your left leg through the rope ladder, at the end you make an evasive move to the right, you get the ball and score.
  • Next time you hop on your right leg and after the ladder you dodge to the left and score.
  • Score together 15 times.
  • Left foot in the ladder, right foot next to it (touch all squares)
  • Left hopscotch (beside the ladder/in the ladder/slanting forward beside the ladder and then to the side)
  • Skiers (right beside the ladder, then left in the ladder and diagonally forwards beside the ladder, then right in the ladder and diagonally forwards beside the ladder then left again)
  • Cross pass (sideways through the ladder and put the left leg over the right one, then the right leg to the back and then left again.)
  • Hopping (with slightly spread legs left outside, right in the ladder to right outside and left in the ladder, then 1 to the front and then left again, at the end of the ladder you take a pass ball)
  • Cross your shoulders and arms on the ground, raise your legs to a 90-degree angle and lift your buttocks as high as possible.
  • Extend left and right leg alternately. 3 x 10 seconds.
  • Plank (on arms and toes) body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds.
  • Tighten abdominal and gluteal muscles 3x
  • Deep squat 10x.
  • Feet are forward in a spread position just outside the hips.
  • Slowly come into a deep squat.
  • Side plank left.
  • Lie on your left side.
  • Arm at shoulder height across the body.
  • (Place your bottom leg at a 90-degree angle.
  • Raise your outstretched leg 3 times. Total time 20 seconds.
  • Bicycle crunch. lie on your back, pull your legs up to 90 degrees, put your hands under your head (lift slightly) tighten your stomach muscles and cycle with your legs for 20 seconds.
  • 1 pole with a pawn or ball on each side at 2 meters.
  • When using pawns, the ball is at the first pawn and the player takes it to the next pawn and puts it back there.
  • When using balls, the player puts the ball back at the original spot before going to the next pawn.
  • Player starts at 5 meter before the basket, on start signal player sprints to the first pawn/ball.
  • Player jumps back and forth as high as possible over the pawn/ball, catches the ball and scores from 2m.
  • If the goal is missed the player jumps back and forth over the ball again and scores.
  • If the goal is hit go to the next ball/pawn and repeat until the player has had all sides of the post.
  • Can make it a competition in various ways, increase the distance from 2m to 3 or 4m, instead of jumping left-right to front-back.
  • Original exercise is from Korfbalfit.
  • Player goes into pump-up position, with the ball in front of him.
  • Player leans on his left or right arm, with the other arm he will spin the ball around his supported arm, so 15, 20, 25,...depending on how good the player's condition is....
  • 1Minute
    1. Shot > 2
    2. Passage with ball > 4
    3. Shot > 1
  • 30 sec Bridge
  • When player executes exercise, players take penalty throw`.


  • 4 balls in a row, a pylon 10 metres in front of the basket, pairs with 1 ball per basket. 1 player in front of the basket with the ball near the pylon.
  • (Change every goal).
  • 4 poles in a square.
  • 2 against 2 on 2 poles (which are directly opposite each other).
  1. Medicine ball throw
    1. Stand up straight and hold the medicine ball behind your head
    2. Bring the ball above your head and move it forward in a swinging motion and throw it to your team-mate
    3. Your teammate catches the ball and brings it behind the head and throws it back
    4. throw 20 times each
  2. Stretching tendons
    1. Put your feet side by side and stretch your arms forward. Keep feet flat on the ground
    2. Tense the abdominal muscles and squat down. Keep the heels on the ground and the chest as upright as possible.
    3. Exhale and rise up again. Press the feet against the ground as you come up so that the leg muscles are tightened
    4. 5x
  3. Standing Crunch
    1. Stand upright with left leg in front of the right leg.
    2. Shift your weight to the front leg and lift your right knee up to the hips
    3. Stand on your toes with your left foot and bring your elbows to your sides and ball your hands into a fist
    4. Come as high as possible, hold for a moment and then return to the starting position
    5. Each leg 10x
  4. Chair pose
    1. Stand up straight
    2. Arms above your head and bend your knees forward at a 45-degree angle
    3. Keep feet flat against the ground
    4. Hold for 30 seconds.
  5. Lateral low lunch
    1. Stand up straight with hips extended and hands straight forward
    2. Take a step to the left and squat on the right leg
    3. Bend at the hip until the right thigh is parallel to the ground and the back is neutral.
    4. Tense the abdominal muscles and push back to the starting position on your right leg
    5. Each leg 10x
  6. Lift Heel
    1. Place your feet hip-width apart and bring your centre of gravity slightly forward on the ball of your feet
    2. Keep knees extended and lift heels as high as possible
    3. Try to hold the highest point for 3 seconds and then come back down slowly
    4. 10x