Korfball drill: speed ladder and hoop exercises

Suitable for the following techniques: condition , strength

Speed ladder and hoop exercises

Speed Ladder:
  • Sideways with knees high through the ladder. Always place both legs in the ladder. Remember to keep a straight back and keep looking forward.
  • Hopping with 2 feet at a time. Start with 2 feet in the ladder and hop with both legs next to the ladder at the same box. Then forward back into the ladder and out with both legs.
  • 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
  • Stand to the left of the ladder and hop right in and then right out of the ladder. Then with the left in and out of the ladder.
  • Sideways put 1 leg in the ladder and 1 leg behind it. Then switch legs, rotating with the hips.
Hoops:Place the hoops so they are about one meter apart, so you can skate
  • Skate 5x through the hoops, holding each jump for 3 seconds.
  • Hopping 5x through the hoops, alternating between hopping a hoop on the left and hopping a hoop on the right.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: