Korfball drill: warming-up, last one switches with first one

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up , condition

Warming-up, last one switches with first one

  • Place 4 posts in a square.
  • The whole group runs around the posts in a row. 
  • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the row will run to the front of the row as quickly as possible. 
  • The children do this by sprinting.
  • Options:
    • The children follow each other around the posts in a row. 
    • The person at the front of the row can do what he wants, for example: heels to the back, sprinting, lifting knees etc. 
    • If the trainer shouts "yes", the person at the back of the queue gets to the front of the queue as soon as possible and can then choose what he wants to do. 
    • It has to be something else than running/jogging, it can be sprinting. 

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: