Volleyball drill: 1-1 move up - move down

Suitable for the following techniques: setting , system

1-1 move up - move down

  • select by putting the better players on field 1, increasing to field 6
  • first cooperate: who reaches the first 7x in a row (do 2x)
  • then against each other
  1. begin of catch-throw movement and then 2x overarm, over the 
  2. then catch-throw movement, 3x overarm, over the, touch end line

  • now move up-move down 
  • field 1 = winner, field 6 = loser
  • so winner changes with loser on lower field, loser changes with winner on higher field 
  • who is the first to have 3 points
  • without serving (being with catch-throw movements)
  • on field 5 and 6: catch-throw movement, 3x overarm
  • on field 3 and 4: catch-throw movement, 3x overarm, touch end line
  • on field 1 and 2: serve (or catch-throw movement, if it is not working), play overarm 1x, play 1x or 2x overarm

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels:
9 year
10 year