Volleyball drill: overhead and underhand passing in high tempo (1) (m. kool)

Suitable for the following techniques: passing , setting

Overhead and underhand passing in high tempo (1) (M. Kool)

  • Half of the players stand in a line 2 metres apart.
  • Preferably with a wall at their back.
  • The other players pass this line in turn at 4 metres from the thrower.
  • There is no net in between.
  • They are given a ball to return overhead.
  • Then they move sideways to the next starter.
  • Go down the row and come back to the beginning.
  • If there are enough players, a second row can be set up in mirror image.
  • Then the players who return the ball go back along this row and have then walked a circle.
  • (Row players 1 stand with their backs to row players 2, to throwers 1 and 2 stand with their faces to each other).
  • After that you can alternate between the groups and do the same with underhand return.
  • As a variation, use different throwing distances.
  • Important points of attention: throwing the ball neatly, moving sideways, sitting low when playing OH, high ball tempo.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: