Volleyball drill: service, pass and distribution

Suitable for the following techniques: attack , serving

Service, pass and distribution

  • In today's exercise, the following techniques will be used: serving, attacking, passing and distributing.
  • However, the emphasis is on the pass and the distribution.
  • The players have to watch, think well and react adequately during this exercise.

The diagram looks more complicated than the exercise is. The exercise goes as follows (I keep the numbering of the red numbers):

  • 1 player 3 serves
  • 2a one of the two playmakers runs to the position at the right front (the playmakers take turns)
  • 2b one of the two passers (in this case player 2) passes the ball to the right front side
  • 2c player 3 (who has just served) runs to the backline of the other half of the game
  • 3 the server gives a setup to the player who did NOT pass. A setup to the centre if player 2 has passed and a setup to the outside if player 1 has passed.
  • 4+5 the player who did not pass attacks (in this case player 1)
  • 6a the attacker retrieves his own batted ball and joins the back of the line of serves.
  • 6b the attacker's place is taken by the first player in the row behind the court.

As soon as the ball is struck the next service is executed.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: