Volleyball drill: warm-up - jumping hurdle

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up , condition

Warm-up - jumping hurdle

Two groups - 1 catcher at position 3 - trainer at other side with cart to pass ball to

  • 1 hurdle at position 1 on backline
  • 1 hurdle at position 5 on backline
  • 2 hurdles in front of each other - one at the same height as hurdles 1 and 5, one hurdle 1m behind

Jumping over hurdle for player - quickly backwards diagonally and jump over two hurdles

  • Come from position 5 - ball arrives at position 5
  • Come from position 1 - ball arrives at position 1

Reception play to catcher - reception player becomes catcher - catcher puts ball in cart - catcher becomes booking


  • Trainer knocks to start on ball = sign that player may start jumping
  • Don't knock anymore = next player starts when previous player is over 2nd hurdle
  • Ball must land perfectly on position 3
  • Presence of many players = high tempo of the exercise

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: