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Volleyball drills for technique condition

At the back line, place a bin of balls.
  • The players start with a ball in their hand and run to the two hats closest to the net.
  • They stand still between the hats and try to throw the ball into the bucket from there.
  • Successful. Then they run back to the ball pit. Grab a new ball and run to the two hats in the middle to throw the ball into the bucket again from there.
  • Failed. Then they run back to the ball pit. New ball and try again on that level.
  • The one who completes the three levels first wins.
1 player works, 4 pass balls.
  • Worker starts at the net in block position.
  • Block over net as start signal of exercise.
  • Worker makes 1st 3rd time move & ball is passed in from position 4.
  • Worker goes to retrieve short ball from position 1.
  • Worker taps player in position 2 and brings ball back that is thrown into the court.
  • Worker retrieves short ball from the ground from position 5.
drawing Condition and displacement
  • Trainer at mid forward, to throw to, but do keep space to net so player can pass behind.
  • 1 Player without ball on Setter spot = 1st catcher.
  • Player is the passer who will pass 10 good balls
  • Other players with ball next to trainer for passing and catching
  • The exercise runs best with about 5-6 players.
  • Passer is given balls successively thrown at:
    • P1, P6, P5, P4, P2 regardless of whether the ball is good => through to next position.
  • Then balls at random position, trainer determines difficulty, until there have been 5 good passes.
  • After 5th good pass => Player quickly to P6, ready on front feet.
  • Last pass comes from P6 , on a 'beaten' ball.
  • Continue until there is a 6th good pass.
Other player:
  • Always give ball to trainer and straight to setter spot to catch off.
  • Ball not good, quickly retrieve and join the line.
drawing Pack of 6 balls
  • 5 circuits for 2 players
  • Each circuit is done for 1 minute
  • Total of 10 minutes
drawing Cicrus by position
  • Divide group into triplets.
  • Form of play is 2 against 2 on a half court.
  • Goal: move and communicate in backfield.
    • Do not want to score, but keep the ball in play, play "on" the person and make long rallies.
    • Hit the 3rd ball as much as possible. Play overhand to keep the rally going.
  • Starting position:
    • 2 players in the court, 1 on the back line "waiting room" on both sides.
  • Ball is brought in from 2-3 meters with toss and attacking stroke=> back 5-7 meter position.
  • Passer becomes attacker. so after pass immediately to 3 meters and then attack.
  • After attack immediately out and to waiting room.
  • Non-passer goes forward immediately and becomes Setter then back to 5-7m position.
  • "Waiting room" supplies new passer.
drawing Two-Two - Moving
  • Conditioning with ball at high intensity
  • Everyone does each exercise once
  • If there are 7 people, 1 group has a rest
drawing Conditioning with ball
Play in pairs from approx. 3m line to 7m line.

Net player always plays up 1x for himself, then back again.

Back player plays back in 1x and then does for himself successively:

  • 5x Turn around on own spot.
  • 5x To the back line, tap with 1 hand and return to 7m.
  • 5x Sit on your buttocks and stand up again.
If the ball goes wrong: Start again at the last unsuccessful series of 5.

Change after 15x.

First round overhead, 2nd round underhand.

  • 2-pairs
  • 1 with ball, 1 without ball lies on the ground
  • series of 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest

  • At start signal, player lying down stands up, gets ball thrown to him.
  • Player plays back overhand and goes back to the ground.
  • Again, explosive up, get ready, play and return to ground.
  • 30 seconds rest
  • Next series of 30 but pass underhand.
  • Then change and start again.
  • Sprint around the pawns.
  • Always through the middle pawn.
drawing Conditioning sprinting around pawns
  • 3 pawns in a row.
  • Groups of two players.
  • Goal is to move the ball further per pawn.

  • On pawn 1 there is a ball.
  • Player 1 brings the ball from the back line back to the base and gives it to player 2.
  • The latter then runs with ball to pawn 2 and puts the ball there and runs back to the base.
  • Player 1 then rushes to the 2nd pawn to pick up the ball there and pass it to player 2 who then takes the ball to the 3rd pawn.
  • Then back from pion 3 to pion 2, to pion 1.
drawing Concentration relay
  • The player jumps over the fence and then jumps with 1 leg into the hoop and back for the next fence, continuing like this until the end
  • You jump sideways over the fence and then jump 1 leg into the 2 hoops. Are you at the outer hoop then you jump over the hoop back next to the fence.
  • You jump over one fence sideways and back with 1 big step you jump to the other fence and jump back over it and back again and then you sprint to the pawn. then over the ladder.
drawing Jumping Condition
Group divide over both courts.

  • Play the ball in a maximum of 2 actions UNDERhand over the net.
  • After each net passage the team rotates one position.
  • If the ball falls on the floor or an opponent has to play the ball differently, the team that played the ball over the net scores.
  • In principle, the game does not have to stop.
  • Should this happen, the ball is brought back into play through an OH service from the backfield.
  • Who has the first 15 points?
Depending on the level, the 2nd ball out of position may be attacked from the backfield.

drawing Only by private treaty