Volleyball drill: warming up with volleyball technique

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up , general

Warming up with volleyball technique

  • blue:
    • pass underarms to each other over the net. duration: 2 minutes
    • 5x push-ups, 15 sit-ups.
  • White:
    • pass underarms under the net. duration 2 minutes
    • 8 push-ups 20 sit-ups
  • Red:
    • both standing on 7 meter line. play underarms to 3 meter line in front of you, overhead over the net on the 7 meter. 2 minutes.
    • 5x push-ups 15 sit ups
  • Green:
    • Player with ball at the net. Hits defender, who passes ball back, then hits defender.
    • change after 10 times.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: