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Hockey drills for technique defense

  • You place 11 pylons at different distances, under each pylon you put a stack of city names.
  • Each 2 tries to reach all 11 pylons as fast as possible.
  • You dribble to a pylon, take a city map and take it back with you, tap the next one and it runs to another pylon.
  • Each city you return to the trainer will be stamped on the 11 city card.
  • Who reached the 11 cities first?

    (first practice without ball and stick)


  1. defender 1 passes to attacker 1
  2. attacker 1 to attacker 2
  3. through pass from attacker 2 to attacker 1
  4. defender 1 defends on attacker 1 when he has received the through pass
  5. attacker 2 attacks > 2v1


  • Set up a small field.
  • Let the children choose fruits of their choice
  • Call off those fruits, than the ones that were called out, do a 1v1 
  • The exercise is meant to simulate a game.
  • It is therefore intended that one team consists of the defenders/defending midfielders and the other team consists of the attackers.
  • The attackers can score in the normal goal (decide if they can hit high as in the game).
  • The defending side can score by driving the ball.
  • Over the line of the goals on the half way line.   
  • The attackers learn to play over and finish at goal and the defending side learns to defend to the outside.  


  • Purpose; passing over large distances, while running. Finishing and tackleback.
  • A plays long pass to B, 
  • B drives the ball to the right and plays through to C who shoots at goal. 
  • Once the shot has been completed, the next player on A passes to D
  • and D starts a dribble towards the goal (scoring past penalty spot), 
  • C defends this attack.
  • Rotation: A1BCDA2
drawing Changing play


  • Attacker plays to defender, and plays the ball back to the attacker.
  • Then the attacker is allowed to attack towards goal. 
  • At 1, the ball begins and passes to the defender who then passes it to the out-going attacker. 
  • From there it is 2 to 1
  • See number 2, only the players remain and it becomes a 4 against 2.
drawing 4 vs 2


  • A game is not only fun, you also learn a lot from them.

Set up

  • Very simple: 2 goals, some vests and some balls. 
  • Surely no more explanation is required? 
  • This kind of game isn't really for training something specific (e.g. playing outside with a box in the middle), but just to have fun.
  • If a team goes loses way too easy, you can enter the rule that they have to pass 3 times before they can score. 
  • Or you can make that team's goal smaller.


  • 2 teams
  • 5 players per team
  • 3 goals per team
  • 2 yellow independent goals in the centre of the pitch

  • Game: team blue against team red. 
  • Team red scores at one of the 3 blue pilons and team blue scores at one of the 3 red pilons. 
  • When the ball goes through one of the two yellow goals, the goals turn around. 
  • Team blue scores at the blue pilons and team red scores at the red pilons. 
  • When the ball goes through one of the yellow goals again, it turns around again.


Ball possession Take a good look at which of the 6 goals there's a lot of free space

Not in ball possession Trap the player with the ball from multiple sides


Game with different variations:

  • with grip
  • with globe
  • with stick in weird position
  • with other balls

  • A player of Blue (1) passes the ball to e.g. player 2 of Orange. This team tries to score over the 23-metre line in a yellow goal.
  • Blue interferes with the defending of the Orange and tries to capture the ball and score in the normal goal. When Blue is over the 23-metre line, the team-mate at the side-line is allowed to join the game.
  • Blue substitutes with Orange after 2 goals from either team.


Tips Ball possession

  • Pass with good speed and direction.
  • Be available (outside of the field).
  • Use the hard feint pass (flats and push).

Tips Not Ball possession

  • Force the player in ball possession to the side.
  • Provoke making mistakes.
  • Perform a quick counter after conquering ball.

Tips Counter

  • Force the player in ball possession to the side.
  • Provoke making mistakes.
  • Perform a quick counter after conquering ball

Make it easier

  • Make the field deeper (towards the center line).

Make it more difficult

  • 1 extra player per team.


  • The trainer (T) rolls the ball (1) to one of the four front players (for example A).
  • Player A receiving the ball (2) plays a duel with player V1 opposite him.
  • The goal is to score the ball at the opponent's goal.
  • If V1 manages to intercept the ball, he plays it to V2.
  • Now V2 may try to score with player B.
  • After a goal, the form of play starts over again.

Making it easier

  • Play a 1-1 duel on the two fields for a few minutes, after a goal,  the substitute player comes into play.

Make it more difficult

  • After the ball is taken by V1, V1 and V2 may try to score against player A (now it has become a 2-1 game).
  • A has to defend. 
  • If A takes the ball, he plays it to player B. 
  • Player A and B play a 2-2 duel on players V1 and V2.
  • It works just like a normal game only now there's a square in the middle.
  • If a shot or other foul is made, or if the ball has been out of bounds, the trainer throws/plays in a new ball from inside the square.
  • The ball does not necessarily go to the same team or at the place where the foul was made.
  • The size of the field depends on the number of players.