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Korfball drills


Set up attacks in overtime situations


  • Make sure the offense always has 1 more person than the defense (3-2, 4-3, 4-2 etc.)
  • Gives the offense a task:
    • E.g. score within 5 passes, score after setting up an action, score from the rebound.
  • Gives the defense a task:
    • E.g. intercept the ball within 5 passes, defend in front.
  • Decide if you can go for a defensive goal.
  • Indicate with cones where the lines are.
  • Agree when offense switches with defense:
    • After X minutes, after X goals, after X interceptions.
In this exercise it is hugely important;
  • That the rebounder also continuously drops the ball quickly because 1 attacker starts at 6 or 7 meters with a dodge ball and immediately comes in for the through ball.
  • Then a shot behind the post and then a shot to the side.
drawing Shooting from motion
  • Player A starts with the ball 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post. Player B also stands 2.5 meters diagonally in front of the post.
  • Player A throws the ball to player B and player B throws it back. Thus they bring the ball up to about 8 meters in front of the post.
  • From there, player B starts for a through ball from the space indicated by player A.
  • However, instead of player B taking the through ball, it now enters the declarer and player A comes in for a clearance ball. Player B catches the ball.
A variation on this:
Only throw the ball when player B runs next to/behind the basket and player B immediately makes a shot. Player A immediately runs in to catch the ball.

There are more variations on this, such as:
  • Most goals in a time frame of, say, 10 minutes
  • Who scores 10 goals first
  • Make it more difficult by deducting a point for each ball on the ground.
  • Possibly with a 3rd player to rotate and keep a slightly slower pace.

drawing Shooting from space
  • Make a circle at the level of your head on the wall (with sidewalk chalk)
  • Make the circle about the same size as a basket.
  • Now stand 3 or 4 meters away from the circle.
  • Now throw the ball with your left against the wall and catch it with your right hand.
  • Do this for one minute.
  • The ball must not bounce on the ground.
  • If it is too easy, stand further away or try to throw the ball faster. If the exercise is too difficult, try to catch the ball with two hands, but still throw with one hand
    • Or stand a little closer to the wall. (Outdoors exercise)
  • In pairs, carry the ball across the field by throwing it into the run of the other player.
  • Variation with 1 defender, with 2 defenders.


  • Who cracks the 4-digit code?
  • As soon as they have completed a task, they may enter a number on their code sheet.
  • After 4 digits it is indicated how many numbers are in the right place and how many numbers are correct.

(3:1) There is play. There are always 4 of the 5 positions filled. So everybody has to keep moving. There are no 3 persons next to each other etc.running-lines

  • The taker gets played late.
  • The defender is right behind him.
  • Take it easy. If the defender's back. Looking for the arm...
  • 4 balls in a row, a pylon 10 metres in front of the basket, pairs with 1 ball per basket. 1 player in front of the basket with the ball near the pylon.
  • (Change every goal).
  • 4 poles in a square.
  • 2 against 2 on 2 poles (which are directly opposite each other).
  • In pairs at a post
  • The shooter starts with the ball
  • The shooter plays the ball into the support
  • The shooter makes a hook to the left or right and gets the ball back
  • The shooter shoots at goal
  • The intercepted ball is played directly back to the shooter
  • The shooter plays the ball back to the support
  • The shooter makes a through ball
  • After scoring twice, switch positions
  • Everyone does this exercise 5 times
Line up Y shape
  • In front throw ball over.
  • The one behind the post chooses a side.
  • Gets the ball -> throws it back to the one who comes connected.
  • The one who did not throw the ball comes for support.
  • Ball is played in.
  • Action and shot.
drawing Y shape attack