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Korfball drills for technique defense

  • 2 kids lie next to each other
  • first defender starts
  • then attacker for a walkthrough.
  • After that the attacker may start first instead of the defender.

Party form.

  • Two baskets facing each other and two teams.
  • Practicing how to do it in the matches.
  • 2 in front of the basket.
  • One person behind the basket tries to get in front.
  • It doesn't work because someone is defending in front of the basket.
  • Throw long ball. Change every 2 shots.
  • Make 8
  • Three teams at a basket. 1 shooter, 2 catchers who stand about 3 metres on either side of the basket facing the shooter.
  • As soon as the shooter has released the ball, they may move towards the basket to catch it.
  • The first player to catch the ball correctly may be the shooter.
  • Quick turn.
  • If there is a person who does not catch the ball first, give that person extra guidance to catch it correctly.

  • You have two mats in the room, two teams have to defend each a mat of their own.
  • But before they can attack, one of the two teams must complete a task. The team that finishes first gets the ball and may attack.
  • The other teams may only move once their team member has also completed the task.
  • You are not allowed to run with the ball, so you have to pass.

  • List:
    • 5 passed balls,
    • 10 penalty shots,
    • 5 shots from 4 meters,
    • 15 walk-throughs from behind the basket,
    • 5 shots from 3 meters behind the basket.
  • 2 in front of the basket.
  • One person behind the basket tries to get in front.
  • It doesn't work because someone is defending in front of the basket.
  • Throw long ball. Change every 2 shots.
  • Make 8
  • Per basket 4 players, 2 attackers, 2 defenders.
  • They compete with each other and the rules are changed a little bit each time.
    1. The attackers must score 2x. Intercept the defenders 2x the ball then there is exchanged
    2. same as above but now there may only be shot if there is at least 1x overplayed
    3. same as 1 but only allowed to score with an extended ball
    4. Defensive shooting is allowed, the catch is important to be able to continue attacking.
  • etc. The trainer of each basket can make additions to these exercises, passing on these variations quickly is a must for concentration.
  • Make 2 teams of 4 players.
  • Hats!
  • Gather between the 4 baskets.
  • The attacking team gets the ball and can choose which basket to attack.
  • This is to encourage them to look for free space.
  • The other team follows, intercepts the ball?
  • Then they choose. Do this the first 5 minutes.
  • Then another variant.
  • Divide all players over 4 teams. Each team gets its own basket and must defend it.
  • If one team has the ball, they choose where to attack.
  • 5 men per basket.
  • Players A start as attackers in front of the basket.
  • Players V start as defenders, 1.5 arms' length away from the shooter.
  • Player C starts with the ball in the box.
  • Attacker A must try to score through the 1 on 1 duel.
  • It does not matter how (distance, evasion, dlb).
  • When the attacker has the ball in his hands, the defender has to close the gap. D
  • he defender is not allowed to tap or block balls.
  • The V must show that she is with the attacker, but must allow the shot.
  • This can be done by the defender placing her hand just above the attacker's shoulder.
  • After 1 minute, the V has to change position.


  • make 2 groups
  • the attack takes the ball out to the trainers.
  • When the defence has intercepted the ball, they first pass it back to the trainers.
  • When a goal is scored, the team gets a bonus and can take the ball back out.
  • When attacking, pay attention to good set-ups and the star shape to get free
  • Everyone line up and go into the defensive stance backwards.
  • Left foot forward + left arm forward this you do alternate with right.