Soccer drills for technique defense
Improve switching moment by putting direct pressure on the ball
Improve switching moment by putting direct pressure on the ball
- we start 1 vs 1
- 1 defender against 1 attacker
- the attacker tries to score in the small goalmouth, and immediately switches to the other side and becomes a defender
- Direct switching
- direct pressure on the ball
- no corners in your run
- apply full pressure for 3 seconds

party form 7x7+Keeper on 2 small goals + 1 big goal
Field size:
party form 7x7+Keeper on 2 small goals + 1 big goal
Field size:
- putting pressure forward (in the manner discussed beforehand with the scheme)
- daring to let go of the opponent
- connect and tilt
- Improve pressure with the team
- 40x40
- We play 7 against 7 with 1 big goal
- Orange side is defensive - green side offensive
- We start on 1 side by introduction of ball by trainer
- Ball always goes to the attacking side
- Orange side must ensure that the green side does not score for 1 minute
- If the green side scores in the big goal, they get a point
- Does the orange side defend the goal for 1 minute, they get a point
- Apply pressure together
- Keep sides more open
- Always fix the axes
- Take out depth passes

- Putting intense pressure on the ball
- We play 5 against 5, and 5 players along the side
- 4 minutes of game play without rest
- Ball out is asking players along the side
- Players along the side also fetch the balls
Field size:
- 20 x 20
- 4 small goals
- Ball out or goal, direct ball ask along side
- Switching at ball loss
- Direct pressure on the ball
- Center (cover dangerous zone) during opponent buildup
- 1 attacking team (red)
- 1 defending team (blue)
- 1 neutral player (white)
- Red is in overtime and play the ball around.
- They try to get the ball to the white player standing in a defined zone.
- Red and blue are not allowed in.
- Blue tries to prevent the stabbing ball through the center from being played.
- When blue conquers the ball they try to score in the goals as quickly as possible.
- Red gets a point if they give ball to the white player, blue gets a point if they can intercept the stabbing ball and also a point if they score.
- Cover the center
- Stay close to each other
- Switch sides

- All players run with ball on foot in a defined field. (Size depends on number of players)
- The players, with their own ball at foot, must get the other players' ball out of the square.
- When your ball is out of the square you leave the square and wait.
- Whoever remains last wins
3 x off
With each exercise 1 person added
With each exercise 1 person added
- Player blue (on the back line) plays the ball diagonally to player red opposite him
- Player red (on the back line) plays the ball diagonally to player blue opposite him
- Then the players try to defend by putting high pressure
- Players who received the ball try to score
Situation 2
- As soon as one of the attackers has scored, and the other has not yet, Then they switch immediately, making the situation 1 against 1 | 2 against 2
- Switching moment immediately at ball loss or goal
- Direct pressure on the ball in man more situation

Players recognize situation in midfield
Who is there:
(Assistemt) Trainer 1: coach attackers ( play on ball possession)
(Assistemt) Trainer 2: Put pressure in axis field coach
(Assistemt) Trainer 3: Shut down on mistakes, not standing well defensively.
Players recognize situation in midfield
Who is there:
(Assistemt) Trainer 1: coach attackers ( play on ball possession)
(Assistemt) Trainer 2: Put pressure in axis field coach
(Assistemt) Trainer 3: Shut down on mistakes, not standing well defensively.
- 1 offensive team ( green)
- 1 defensive team (red)
- overtime is played by attacking side.
- Attackers play the ball around
- when defenders conquer the ball they pass it around
- if the defensive team gets the ball to the middle man, the offensive team pressures them
- Letting the ball go to the sides
- Pass the ball to the middle man
- When the middle man does get the ball, pressure immediately

- Players play a match of say here 8 against 8.
- When a goal is scored, the goal scorer must take a jar from behind the goal and put it by their own jar.
- If a team has taken all the pots away from a goal, that team has won.

- The goalkeeper kicks out to the red team.
- The red team is on the attack as long as they have the ball.
- If blue gains possession of the ball outside the penalty box, blue becomes the attacking team and red defends.
- Whoever scores first has won

- Put goals and pawns as shown in picture.
- Player 1 and player 2 face each other on the line.
- Player 1 passes long and hard to player 2.
- At that moment the duel begins, player 1 runs directly at player 2 who enters the duel.
- Score in 1 of the two little goals, scoring is allowed 1.5 meters from the goal -mark with pawn.

Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
Defenders push attackers to the side to get the shot out.
- Goalkeeper plays ball to attackers.
- Attacking side starts between small goals with 4 players.
- Defending side plays with 3 players + goalkeeper.
- Attacking side tries to score as quickly as possible.
- Defenders try to prevent this by taking out the shot.
- Try to push the attacker to the sideline.
- Dare to put pressure forward.
- Switch sides immediately.
- Communication from the goalkeeper.